Monsey: Jewish Man Scares Off Masked Armed Robbers

A resident of Ramapo narrowly escaped an attempted armed robbery when two perps in ski masks demanded money from him as he sat in his car just before 6 AM Sunday morning.

Sources tell YWN the near-victim was parked in front of his home on Decatur Avenue when he noticed a white or silver BMW circling the streets, in apparent search of someone to victimize.

Concerned about leaving his vehicle, the man remained in his car – until the perps spotted him.

The two attempted thieves then approached him with ski masks and knives, demanding that he turn over money to them.

The victim then began yelling, creating such a ruckus that the criminals were scared off, fleeing the scene before others could see them.

The Ramapo Police Department and Rockland Chaveirim are investigating the incident.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. B”H a story with a great outcome. If you do not have such a great voice then the Horn on your Key willmalso scare them away.

  2. The unvaxed gazlanim understood that ski masks are not good enough to protect against spit going directly in their faces. As they do not trust the government in general, they are not taking the vaccine and it is hard to do their jobs in N95s, especially running away. New program is needed!

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