HYPOCRITE: Maskless AOC Vacations in Florida as NYC COVID Cases Soar

PHOTO VIA National Review/Anonymous

Outspoken socialist and fierce defender of Covid-19 rules and regulations Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has apparently had enough of New York City putting restrictions on her life.

Ocasio-Cortez was seen dining outdoors at Doraku Sushi and Izakaya in Miami Beach on Thursday, just as New York City reported a record number of new Covid-19 cases, the National Review reports.

AOC’ district, New York’s 14th, covers parts of the Bronx and Queens.

Her trip to “DeathSantis'” Florida comes as Democrats and liberals pile on the Republican governor for himself taking some time off to spend time with his wife who is undergoing cancer treatments, with critics attacking him for vacationing as Omicron spreads in the Sunshine State.

“Welcome to Florida, AOC!” DeSantis’ campaign account tauntingly tweeted. “We hope you’re enjoying a taste of freedom here in the Sunshine State thanks to @RonDeSantisFL’s leadership.”

Back when Senator Ted Cruz went to Cancun, Mexico during a rare snowstorm that left millions in Texas without power or water, Ocasio-Cortez was quick to jump on the bashing bandwagon.

“If Sen. Cruz had resigned back in January after helping gin up a violent insurrection that killed several people, he could’ve taken his vacation in peace,” she tweeted at the time. “Texans should continue to demand his resignation.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. Its ok though I see she is drinking and everyone knows CoVID doesnt spread when you eat, drink, or if its your turn to speak at congress or mayoral event. It knows not to be infectious during those times.

  2. I despite ocasio cortez but is she supposed to be wearing a mask while eating outdoors? If she was in ny she would be required to do so? The yeshivishe kup is supposed to be able to distinguish the real stories from the tabloid nonsense.

  3. AOC has no authority in NY State Government and there is no need for her to be in NY to interfere with the state’s handling of the situation

  4. I don’t like AOC, and think she is a big mouth and an empty headed bigot, but what’s wrong with eating while unmasked?

  5. Whatever the clickbite value is of showing this lady drinking outdoors in Miami (is she of drinking age?), if YWN does not object to pictures of women for important political stories, I personally object to seeing hairy legs and shoe bottoms (considered an offense in Middle East) on the front page. I can’t unsee that.

  6. All these posters who do not understand the problem?

    Let’s start with AOC leaving her own home state that voted her into her job and mindboggling income to patronize (and spend her tax-payer money) in a state which she trashes as an alleged death trap from COVID (while blaming the latter on DeSantis).

    But of interest is that she replies to her critics by further trashing DeSantis in her tweets for being “missing” – explicitly needling him in the tweet for not being around for her to greet him (or the other way around, whatever). Yep. DeSantis was occupied accompanying his wife to cancer treatment.

  7. It’s not about eating outside or eating maskless, it’s about why she went to FL for vacation… We all know the answer…

    Attn CTLAWYER please read the last 2 paragraphs. Senator Cruz also has no authority in Taxes state government but this didn’t hold AOC beck from criticize him.

    “New Yorkers should continue to demand her resignation.”

  8. > Yankel-der-ganef

    The article is showing the least sexual aspect of events. The fuller story is that she was at a drag bar and during festivities it was crowded shoulder-to-shoulder with no masks for anyone and she went hugging face-to-face and dancing face-to-face with all these strangers with pictures available on other web sites.

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