NUTS: Man Arrested While Traveling to White House to Assassinate Biden, Fauci And Others

A 25-year-old heavily armed California man was arrested while traveling to Washington, DC, with plans to assassinate President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and others.

Kuachua Brillion Xiong was pulled over by police in Cass County, Iowa, finding his car loaded with an AR-15 rifle, ammo, loaded magazines, body armor and medical kits, NBC News reported.

According to a criminal complaint written up by Secret Service agent Justin Larson, “Xiong had been driving from his home near Sacramento, California, since Dec. 18 “with the intention of driving straight to the White House … to kill persons in power.”

NBC added that when speaking with investigators, Xiong said the “evil individuals he intended to kill” included Biden, Fauci, former President Barack Obama and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Investigators were able to piece together dates on which Xiong had been buying and amassing supplies necessary for his assassination attempt.

“It is at this time Xiong began assembling the equipment needed to carry out his plan to kill those in power: an assault rifle, assault rifle magazines, ammunition, body armor, medical supplies, dark clothing, grappling hook, food, and cash,” the court filing says.

“He added that if released from custody, he would immediately resume traveling to the White House … and ‘do whatever it takes’ to complete his plan,” the complaint continues. “Xiong stated that he has no intention of returning to California to see his family because he plans on dying while fighting evil demons in the White House.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. This man was merely traveling to DC to perform a late term abortion. Considering the multiple layers of protection surrounding all high profile politicians and political appointees, his threat was nonexistent. The Secret Service has come a long way since Dallas in 1963.

  2. Isn’t IOWA heavily Republican? And isn’t California heavily Democrat? Yet California failed to catch this guy but Iowa caught him?

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