THANKS, BILL: New York City Murders Near 500 For First Time in 10 Years

New York City is on course to have nearly 500 murders at the end of the year, a disturbing milestone that last occurred in 2011, when the city saw 515 murders.

As of the beginning of this week, there were 479 murders in the Big Apple, mostly driven by a stunning rise in gun violence, the NY Post reports.

From 2013 until 2020, the murder rate in New York City stayed in the 300s except for 2017, when the city experienced 292 murders. Then, in 2020, NYC had 462 murders, and that trend has not slowed down in 2021.

Other major cities across the United States have faced similar upticks in murders.

Chicago and Philadelphia – both Democrat-run cities – have experienced nearly 800 murders and 550 murders, respectively.

Philadelphia’s murder rate is the highest it’s been dating back to 1960.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Less than 1/3 day left until finally:- Good Riddance & vanish fast into the oblivion to never be heard from again {except of-course if someone wishes to sue or prosecute you for all the colossal damage you have inflicted upon our beloved Apple}

  2. Now let’s see in New Yorkers are stupid enough to give him the governor’s mansion! Could you imagine the police detail taking him every day to his Brooklyn gym and then back to Albany!!
    I can’t stop laughing!

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