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“HE’S DEAD WRONG!” MAGA Wants a Trump “Intervention” Over His Support of Vaccines

Trump supporters are calling for an “intervention” with the former president over his now-staunch support for the Covid-19 vaccines, including the booster shots.

“He needs an intervention from a friend,” pro-Trump radio host Wayne Allen Root told conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, adding that Trump was “in total delusion.”

“He’s been right on everything except this issue,” Root continued. “He’s so horribly wrong on this issue, and the best way to put it, ironically, is that he’s dead wrong, because people are dying! When everyone I know dies, you are getting the blame, President Trump!”

Trump has seen many previous ardent supporters of his turn their backs on him ever since he told a crowd nearly two weeks ago that he had received a booster shot.

The former president was booed by the right-wing Dallas crowd to which he made the comment and was reportedly upset that his own supporters would jeer at him over a vaccine he takes credit for.

Root, Jones, and January 6th organizer Ali Alexander have all sharply criticized Trump for his support and insistence that people get the vaccines, and anti-vax protesters recently showed up at Trump Tower in New York City to demonstrate against him, with some activists calling him a “fraud.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. The vaccines were probably the greatest accomplishment of the Trump administration (even if they were undermined by ridiculous, post-election, claims by the Democrats, who after they won the election and switched to being pro-vaccine, claimed they were totally harmless and totally effective). The vaccines clearly work to an extent, and the Trump ones work better than the foreign versions, which tend to have less efficacy and more side effects.

  2. He also signed off on 5G expansion which is considered a primary cause of covid-like symptoms as the technology continues to be rolled out. Hopefully, he will come around on these two issues.

  3. He’s wrong in this one! In fact he’s never been more wrong! In fact I don’t think there was anybody more wrong ever than he is now! In fact he’s so wrong that even those that are wrong know that he’s wrong!

    He is 100% right on this issue! It will serve to protect lives then you do it. There’s no downside whatsoever.

  4. Typical media style he’s killing everyone in the poles for 2024 election and here they found someone who said something negative about him so he’s losing support from a few quanon cronies

  5. Thanks to media misinformation, a lot of people have very different opinions than Trump. The Journolists (what they called themselves on a pro-obama listserv to fabricate fakenews) have created a Trump that is separate from Trump. It is the “Trump Vaccine”. It is his. And the other side said don’t take it. Like everything, the fakers that the media claims they found are more Dem and MSM than Pro-Trump. This is the problem.

  6. oh he made america great again, NOT ! – mass rallies a la mussolini, with no social distancing, no masks, and the result? 700,000 deaths in america because of him. yes, i hold trump responsible. people on ventilators had charoteh and cried why did i ever listen to him. sad. sad. so preventable !!!

  7. ‘[Trump]5G expansion which is considered a primary cause of covid-like symptoms ..”

    Lastword: Either as a stupid troll or simply dumb comment, there is ZERO evidence in the peer reviewed literature linking 5G (or any portion of the wireless spectrum) to what you call “Covid-like symptoms”. Unless you are channeling MTG with her jewish laser meshugaas starting the California wildfires, your comment is neither funny nor entertaining. Trump did many stupids things but promoting 5G isn’t one of them or providing financial guarantee for vaccine development and deployment were not among them.

  8. RebE > Why didn’t he take his booster shot in public?

    I think Trump was from the beginning limited by the number of crazies whose support he needed for elections. So, he is doing the right thing (Op Warp Speed, for example) but tried not to leave digital trail that will antagonize them. The only reason the crazies on both fringes have such power is because people in the middle froze in their position and refuse to compromise and “mode es haemes”. In this example, if some moderates -like you – would acknowledge Trump’s role in creating vaccines, he would be less shy, but he knows that you are not going to vote for him anyway.

  9. Trump can’t admit the shots are bad bc he is so proud of making them available. Most people who had enough brains to vote for him, have enough brains to understand these shots are horrible.

    Eliezer, taking shots in public is the biggest photo op. Just bc someone is taking a shot in public, doesn’t mean it’s not saline solution.

  10. I always knew that Trump would come around one day, you just can’t disagree with facts. Biden showing superiority AGAIN!!!! Our best shot’s with your shot!!

  11. The biggest way Biden will win is if Trump keeps getting involved in everything. Hopefully this will get Trump out once and for all. If not Its essentially Biden Trump 2024. Because Trump in most americans eyes is worse then anything. His rhetoric is so embarrassing and childish. He is destroying this country to a point of no return! The fact that we have a 50 50 in senate was due to his actions. Whether there was election fraud or not is not the point. It’s how he dealt with it. And how he is using it to cause destruction to the republicans party. And Anyone else that wants a normal society. I am so sick of this liberal narcissist.

  12. Mindful > Most people who had enough brains to vote for him, have enough brains to understand these shots are horrible.

    You have to admit that those who refuse vaccination are minority even among the Trump voters. As of Dec 2021, 85% of adults got at least one dose. Of remaining 15%,(multiple reasons):50% are afraid of side effects, 43% do not trust the vaccine, 35% do not trust government, 30% wait and see, 10% because their doctor did not recommend it. There are almost no race differences, except Asians are 6x! less likely to be unvaxed.

    Unvaccinated are younger, less educated, less likely to be married. So, if you want to be happily married, get good education, and live a long life, get the vaccine 🙂

  13. Always ask Questions, you are so right. Being less educated, the best thing you can do is Always ask Questions. That’s how you learn… But only if you actually LISTEN to the answers.

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