TRAGEDY: Young Girl R”L Killed In Toms River Crash [UPDATED WITH LEVAYA INFO]

Tragedy struck the Toms River and Lakewood communities on Tuesday morning, as word spread of a serious crash that took the life of a young girl.

As YWN had reported earlier, Lakewood Hatzolah was on the scene of the MVA on North Bay Avenue and Whitty Road, and treating multiple victims.

Toms River EMS rushed a 9-year-old girl who was in traumatic arrest to a local hospital. Paramedics and Doctors did all they could to save her life.

Sadly, Leah Gross A”H was Niftar at the hospital.

The levaya is tentatively scheduled to take place at the Lutzk Shul at 520 New Egypt Road in Lakewood at 5:30 pm, followed by a levaya at the Belz Shtiebel, 44 Grove Springs.

The kevurah will take place in Lakewood.

Boruch Dayan HaEmes.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Maybe some of the people of Toms River could hold off on their nightly parties as a show of respect to the niftar and her family.

  2. Git Meshige, it’s clear from some of your other comments that you have a good sense of humour.

    However, your comment is totally out of order.

    There is no need to hijack this article with your attack on a community.

    Mods, why was this comment approved?

  3. Git Meshige, you hijacked this entire extremely sensitive article!

    I don’t care how many members of the community you want to “advise”.

    Even one member is too many on an article about a dead 9 year old girl.

    Have some emotional intelligence and take your insults elsewhere or nowhere at all.

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