CRUZ MODE: Ted Cruz Hints at 2024 White House Bid

(AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the runner-up to Donald Trump in 2016 Republican presidential primaries, told a reporter that he is very strongly considering another bid for the White House in 2024, noting that history is on his side.

“I ran in 2016, it was the most fun I ever had in my life,” Cruz told The Truth Gazzette. “We had a very crowded field. We had 17 candidates in the race — a very strong field. And I ended up placing second”

“There’s a reason historically that the runner-up is almost always the next nominee, and that’s been true going back to [Richard] Nixon, or [Ronald] Reagan or [John] McCain or [Mitt] Romney that has played out repeatedly,” Mr. Cruz said, citing the $92 million he raised for his campaign. “You come in with just an enormous base of support.”

Cruz’s willingness to run again in 2024 could very well put him on a collision course with Donald Trump, who has done all but officially announce his intention to run again for the presidency.

The two tangled in 2016, when Trump poked fun at Cruz’s wife and suggested that his father was involved in the assassination of JFK.

Cruz responded by calling Trump a “pathological liar,” “serial philanderer,” and “utterly amoral.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Two problems.

    1. Trump (he appears willing to run even if he’ll turn a Republican landslide into a close election)

    2. Cruz is a traditional conservative (for fiscal responsibility, for a foreign policy that is willing to intervene abroad to support freedom and democracy, and generally pro-business), whereas the Trump/MAGA wing supports policies that ignore fiscal responsibility, tend towards isolationism and put popular (populist) policies ahead of pre-business economic policies).

  2. As one of the last Frum registered Republicans in NYC (sorry, my family didn’t follow the askanim and throw our Torah values out the window by switching parties), I get to vote in the primaries be”h. I’m leaning towards Ron DeSantis but we’ll have to research Cruz and Pence a little more as we get closer to the primaries. I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 (voted for Huckabee) and will NOT vote for him if he forces his way into the race again.

  3. President Donald Trump who was duly reelected in 2020 is my President {I don’t recognize sleepy joe who stole the election} & I am definitely voting for President Donald Trump come 2024, and yes:- Mark my word:- President Donald Trump shall be in the Oval Office from Noon 1/20/2025 thru Noon 1/20/2029

  4. 147, are you serious? There is no evidence to support Trump’s claim that he won the election. Rudy Guiliani, the My Pillow Guy, L. Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have claimed that they have evidence that Trump won, but for some reason this irrefutable evidence has never been produced.

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