Bill Gates: ‘The Worst Part of the Pandemic’ Hasn’t Hit Yet

(AP Photo/Nati Harnik, File)

Billionaire Microsoft founder and vaccine warrior Bill Gates said that the Omicron variant could be inviting in “the worst part” of the pandemic, and said that he is canceling his holiday plans.

“Just when it seemed like life would return to normal, we could be entering the worst part of the pandemic,” he tweeted on Tuesday. “Omicron will hit home for all of us. Close friends of mine now have it, and I’ve canceled most of my holiday plans.”

Gates explained that he believes Omicron could usher in the worst part of the pandemic because of how easily transmissible it is. Because it spreads quickly, Gates and some medical experts say that, despite the strain apparently causing milder illnesses, the vast number of people becoming infected could still overwhelm hospitals.

Some estimates suggest Omicron is 70x more contagious than the Delta variant.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

32 Responses

  1. Will you all get a life! Doesn’t everyone see this? Yes it’s more contagious but much much less dangerous! It’s a cold for goodness sake. All of our heimishe chevra have had some “mysterious virus”. Baruch Hashem everyone doing fine! When this all started we were also if the first to catch it. This all about scaring us! Anyone paying attention? There are colds and viruses! That’s part of life! Now move on! And dont forget to take your vitamins!

  2. Bill Gates is behind all the Covid nonsense. He wants to control the world. He wants to control the polpulation. I wouldn’t trust anything Bill Gates says.

  3. There only 3 ways you know what is about to come
    A. You have Godly heavenly abilities.
    B. You are a professional at the project at end, in this case a virologist, immunologist, epidemiologist etc.
    C. You plan it.

    Dear reader, I’ll let you decide where Billy falls into….

  4. Bill Gates should know. He and his good friend Fauci, who Gates has given $ through the NIH programs, one of which was gain of function research of the coronavirus, have both been predicting devastating viruses upon the population for many years prior to the coronavirus pandemic.

  5. Does anybody else wonder if Bill Gates has a hand in these pandemics? He could certainly profit if he knew about something hidden months ahead.

  6. #Loboman:
    Not a professor, just simply an entrepeneur and opportunist who’s got more than one finger in this pie. He’s making a mint from all this and hasn’t stopped laughing since the first victim fell. Just check out how his game works.

  7. Prophet Gates? More like Voodoo Gates!


  8. Much more contagious = more deaths / hospitalisation if the rate of infection of Omicron is much more than decreased chance of hospitalisation, which is still quite possible (much will only come clear in the next few weeks)

    It’s not “the cold” and if the regular flu (which is v different from a cold) visrus became 100x more infectious then we would all have to take precautions.

    Covid is:
    – Much more deadly than flu
    – Much more infectious
    – has less immunity

    Just because you, or people you know caught it and emerged unscathed does not mean it’s not dangerous.

  9. A mamma

    This is FAR from a simple cold and virus. Think back to when this all started. Hospitals were SO overwhelmed with the dead that they had to have refrigerated trucks to hold the deceased. In every corner of the world, including the frum community, there were losses. Hopefully, this is far from as life-threatening. Since we don’t know yet as it’s just the beginning of it’s spread, and many are not vaccinated, it’s best to take precautions (masks and distancing).
    Anytime I hear anyone likening this to a cold, I know they’re deluding themselves.

  10. hey, a mama, haven’t you heard that in the usa alone, 800,000 people have died? colds don’t lead to deaths.
    go back to cooking.

  11. I don’t know Master Gates’ age, but he still doesn’t realize there’s a G-d running this world. Or he chooses to be in denial.
    But this is for sure:
    He’s delusional, egotistic, narcisstic, irrational, and murderous.

  12. Doctor gates predicts worse is yet to come
    I fear for what he has planned
    BH it seems many are aware of his evil character and his desire to reduce the world population to save us from ourselves
    Read “the real dr Fauci” to learn about it how Bill is involved in health policies and drug development around the world
    He’s got his fingers in EVERY pie and he has tremendous leverage especially in WHO and his partner in crime Fraudci
    Hold on people Bill knows more than we do

  13. Again to those who keep screaming about how dangerous covid is. YES if you follow our health advisors covid is excessively deadly
    If you go to the hospital and take remdesivir you will possibly die
    If you follow the frontline doctors and Chovesh hotline and others who ignored our failure of a medical leadership in this country, you should be fine
    Take the supplements as recommended
    Get yourself some iVER and HCQ you should be fine
    Worst case maybe add antibiotics etc. with guidance
    Most of those patients recovered quickly
    The ones who stayed home until they couldn’t breathe and their oxygen was 65 mostly died or got seriously sick

  14. Can someone please explain to me how bill gates got into the anti vaxxer cross hairs?? I really don’t get it. Did he do anything or say anything that got them thinking? I mean how did this happen? I’m being honest. Someone post an answer

  15. If there is anyone who knows what’s coming next with Covid, it’s the guy who bought massive shares of BioNTech stocks in September 2019. He should be in jail.

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