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More Trouble On The Stock Market

wall str.jpg5:00PM EST: Most U.S. stocks fell for a third day, capping the market’s worst month in six years, on concern that deepening mortgage losses will force more banks to cut dividends or sell shares at a discount.

Wachovia Corp. tumbled to the lowest since 1992 after an analyst said the lender may cut its payout, while Merrill Lynch & Co. and Citigroup Inc. dropped as JPMorgan Chase & Co. said prices for some mortgage securities may sink further. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. plunged as traders speculated the fourth- largest U.S. securities firm may be sold for less than its market value. Devon Energy Corp. led gains in oil producers, which sent the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average higher, after analysts increased profit estimates through 2009.

The S&P 500 increased 1.62 points, or 0.1 percent, to 1,280, paring its retreat this month to 8.6 percent. The Dow added 3.5 to 11,350.01. The Nasdaq Composite Index lost 22.65, or 1 percent, to 2,292.98.

(Source: Bloomberg)

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