BUSTED: NYPD Cops Caught Submitting Fake Covid Vax Cards

Two high-ranking NYPD officials have been caught submitting fake Covid-19 vaccine cards, and numerous others are being probed, in what some believe could wind up being a massive departmental scandal, the NY Post reports.

Lieutenant Joseph Marsella and Captain Desmond Morales have been placed on desk duty after being caught submitting fake vaccination cards and have had their guns and badges taken from them.

“We were clear from the outset that vaccine compliance was a serious matter,” said Deputy Commissioner of Public Information John Miller, who was himself hospitalized with Covid-19. “It is not just about the individual NYPD employee’s health, but also the health of their coworkers and others around them.”

“If the investigation finds that these two officers substituted false documentation to the department it is a serious breach of integrity and the law.”

The NYPD’s probe will also reportedly look into the vaccine status of other officers who may have submitted fraudulent paperwork to skirt Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vaccine requirement on police officers.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. but also the health of their coworkers and others around them which is exactly why anti vaxxers are despicable self centered creatures, and likewise why any shul not mandating vaccinations & masking is totally depraved of respect for human life, just like anyone discouraging anyone from wearing a mask in street on schabbos is totally depraved of any respect for human life.

  2. What do you expect when you force people to do things to their bodies that they should gave a right to say “no” to without losing their jobs? This mayor is out of control. He encourages crime on public transportation and at the same time tries to force people into the crime ridden transportation, he encourages breaking of immigration law and then he’s the big tzadik that is concerned about the people of the city and insists that they pump this vaccine into their bodies. This city is crazy. Employees must vaccinate, but welfare receivers and illegal immigrants do not.

  3. Kol Hakavod! Vax or don’t vax, whatever you responsibly decide based on your research. But always, always, always stand up to tyranny!!!!

  4. Fake cards are a worse crime than torching businesses and killing innocent people.
    Always remember that rule as you step into NYC.

  5. 147
    Reality check!
    The “vexed” folks are SUPER SPREADING THIS VIRUS…

    99% of people are PRO VACCINATION but almost ALL HONEST PEOPLE who have done their research ARE AGAINST THE SO CALLED COVID VACCINE. Because is isn’t a vaccine! And it has KILLED MORE PEOPLE in its short period of time than all other vaccines combined.

    What is more shocking than calling a failed Concoction a vaccine, is the EVILNESS a of the people PUSHING/FORCING this RISKY CONCOCTION onto everyone WHILE BLOCKING THERAPEUTICS like IVERMECTIN that actually WORK (when taken early on)


  6. This is not a vaccine
    This is gene therapy that REDUCES symptoms that’s all
    It doesn’t protect u from CATCHING covid
    Only Possibly for a short time from
    Dying from it
    That’s all folks!!!
    And sadly those cops faked it instead of standing up for freedom
    That didn’t help all of us who want to protect basic human freedoms to choose for themselves what medical procedures they want to submit to
    Hopefully enough cops faked it that it will prove a point that nobody who doesn’t want it should be forced to take it

  7. It seems to me that the real import of this story is lost on the citizenry at large. It is a given that DeBlasio is an evil monster with as much brains as the average rock. It is a fact that being vaccinated or not is completely irrelevant in regard to curbing virus spread. It is well established that NYC needs policemen way more than policemen need NYC.

    As such, it is clearly in the interests of the City to ignore as much as possible this moron mayor. The best way to ignore without malice would be to “look the other way” as much as possible to keep police on the job and employed. So it is really bad news when we find the police themselves supporting the mayor’s idiocy to their own detriment. This means that they themselves have “drunk the cool aid”, and are as dangerous to the people of NY as the mayor. Not a good situation for NYC.

    I live in LA, where thankfully, police precincts, captains, and sheriffs all around the County have announced non-enforcement of these foolish mandates. Thus our shuls, schools, etc. are not bothered much, b”h and bli ayin hora. I guess NY is not so lucky…

  8. These officers are heroes. More people should follow their lead. If the masses refused this anti democratic mandate we would not be in this mess.

  9. These officers probably have no problem arresting people who drive unlicensed (i.e. suspended without their realizing it), ignoring the personal toll they take on others. After all, tha’s the law. Let them reap the consequences when they break the law themselves.

  10. Someone please please explain to me why I HAVE to vaccinate in order to protect others WHO ARE VACCINATED?????
    To each his own !
    What utter foolishness.
    The dumbing down of an entire generation.

  11. BaalSechel, your handle contradicts reality. Just for starters, stopping people driving without a license protects YOU, doesn’t it? What does that have to do with fake vaccine cards, which only bypass a vengeful mayor’s useless edicts?

    Change your name, please, but keep the initials (v’hamaivin yovin).

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