LIVING IN A DREAM: De Blasio Says NYC ‘Much Safer’ Under His Rule, Ignores Skyrocketing Murders

Outgoing NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio claimed in an interview that the Big Apple is “much safer” now than it was when he took office eight years ago, ignoring a massive surge in murders under his reign.

“Eight years I’ve been mayor, crime indexes, major crimes in New York City is down 11% over eight years. And we did it bringing police and community closer together,” de Blasio claimed on Fox News.

“The bottom line is that there is today in New York City, a much safer city than we were eight years ago.”

While de Blasio is correct that major crimes in NYC are down overall, murders spiked sharply last year and have remained at elevated levels throughout 2021.

There were 318 murder in NYC in 2013 – the year de Blasio became mayor – but 437 murders last year and already 443 murders in the city in 2021.

Hate crimes have also skyrocketed under de Blasio’s watch. There were 252 hate crimes reported in 2020 but 503 such crimes reported in 2021 – a 100% increase, with NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea blaming bail reform for the rise in hate crimes.

“When you have mass amounts of people put back on the streets that have traditionally been held in jail, you’re seeing some of that permeate here as well,” Shea said. “I mean, that’s just a fact. It’s a fact that people don’t want to talk about, but when you have people that have no regard for others, and expecting them to change their behavior dramatically… It’s not working out.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Defund police
    Fire unvaxed prison wardens
    Change bail laws
    Set criminals free
    Support all militant leftist groups




  2. There has been a massive rise in graffiti, broken glass on the streets, and homeless people where they don’t belong, under the De Blasio regime. Along with fireworks and other quality of life problems which grew too.

    De Blasio’s fantasy dream is the nightmare of city residents.

  3. B’YH, D’B will bring to the rest of the state, all the wonderful policies and programs he crafted as mayor of NYC. What a breadth of fresh air after Cuomo. D’B. for Governor in ’22 and for President in ’24).
    (Note: I’m checking now whether I might have inadvertently overdosed on my TDS meds last night).

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