NYC LUNACY: Pickpocket With Over 30 Robberies Nabbed Again – And Released AGAIN

A serial pickpocket thief who has been busted more than 30 times was caught again while targeting tourists at the Rockefeller Center, only to be released within hours.

Gary Teasley, 65, has been arrested by the NYPD so many times that they are literally on a first-name basis. Having pickpocketed so many people, Teasley kept a storage locker with stolen wallets and a detailed record of his robberies.

In the latest instance, Teasley was charged with trying to rob an elderly tourist after cops spotted him unzipping a woman’s purse and reaching inside.

“We caught him red-handed,” a police source told the NY Post. “We called him by his first name. We said, ‘Hey, Gary, don’t give us a hard time.’ We’ve arrested this guy so many times, we’re on a first-name basis.”

“He knows the deal, he was saying, ‘DAT [desk appearance ticket],’ the whole bail reform thing,” the source said. “He’s a very sharp guy, $1,000 suits, skilled at his craft. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Thanks to Democrats’ policies, perps like Teasley will continue getting away with their shenanigans for the foreseeable future in liberal cities like New York.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. De Blasio is a saint. Not Even Cuomo gives people second chances. Baruch Hashem, we have a wonderful Mayor Bill DeBlasio (who is, unfortunately, being forced out by the liberals), who recognizes that Gary Teasley is a victim of police stalking operation. They even yelled out his SSN! B”H, DeBlasio recognizes that deep down, Teasley has a pure hard of gold. If Clinton was president, we would have already shifted to a better alternative than police.

    Hopefully we will live to see Gary Teasley rebuild after this discrimination, I am sure he will be a huge ba’al chessed.

  2. Pickpockets are not violent. If he has 30 convictions (i.e., not just arrests), he will probably get the maximum or near-maximum sentence for his crime. And none of this has to do with DiBlasio. The state legislature enacted the current bail laws, and our duly elected judges enforce it.

  3. It’s the fault of every frum yid who is not registered to vote. In one election we could get rid of so many democRAT ic politicians Judges and DAs. You need to vote Republican down the line. Otherwise don’t carry expensive items or large cash.

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