Ben Shapiro: Democrats’ Love and Fear of Covid Like Jews’ Ahavas and Yiras Hashem [VIDEO]

Frum Jew and acclaimed conservative commentator Ben Shapiro shared a fascinating observation on Thursday, in which he compared Democrats’ paradoxical love and fear of Covid-19 to the Jewish principles of ahavas hashem and yiras hashem.

See the video below:



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22 Responses

  1. Shapiro is smart and makes excellent political points. But he should leave Jewish religious terminology and practices out of his comments.

  2. Total nonsense. Shapiro is clueless about both subjects. Simply moronic. Why do people waste time listening to his verbal garbage?

  3. Crazykanoiy, you are fully a person with a double standard. You remind me of those last row in shul type of people who still hold on to their 1960s left wing politics, regardless of how far removed it is from Totah ideals. Ben is Jewish, as is Doug Emhoff (married to the Shiksa Kamala), but hey, at least he’s partaking in Tikun Olam. Why do you comment with hatred about a frum radio host personality? I’ll conclude with your full reversal on how to responded about being nice to Hillary Clinton. Your exact words –> ” reflection of your true hashkafah and aligns perfectly with mocking others and spreading hatred and rage for profit and attention.”

  4. It’s ok to to insert religious terminology into public affairs which is essentially a tikun olam Endeavor

    however this is too much and demeaning

  5. This confuses means and ends. The Democrats desire power and to have a government that is in control of the “deplorables” and can micromanage their life. It reflect their contempt for the “common man”. Covid is a means to gain such control.

  6. Crazy, you named yourself well. Shapiro understands both subjects well; you don’t. He’s 100% right, both about the moshol and the nimshol.

    UJM, why on earth should he miss an opportunity to inject a little Torah into his show? On the contrary, Hashem has put him in his position and given him an audience precisely so he can make a kiddush haShem by giving them a little Torah message now and then.

  7. Mr. Shapiro is brilliant, and excellent at what he does.

    His point here was important. It was also accurate, both from a religious and, lihavdil, political perspective, even if the wording is slightly different than one might have expected.

  8. Now that comment by ben Shapiro is the most stupid and asinine comment on this very dangerous disease. What an utter stupidity in equating COVID- that has killed close to 800000 Americans, amongst them Roshei yeshiva, Hasidic rebbes and thousands of jews and to make fun of this-disgraceful!

  9. What an idiot. Taking things way out of context to try justifying his slanted views. No different, by the way, from any other political pundit on both sides of the spectrum.

    We are all blessed with our own brains. Let’s use them to come to our own conclusions.

  10. For those who have difficultly understanding my previous comment

    Yiras Shomayim is not yiras chet. It is Yiras Haromomus.

    Democrats do not love COVID.

    Shapiro’s comments are utter nonsense. Why would anybody listed to his verbal garbage?

  11. I’ve heard Mr. Shapiro on the radio along with Mark Levine, Dennis Praeger and others who espouse a political view of minimal government interference with our daily lives in the forms of taxing, regulations etc.

    I learn much on politics, American law and I’m sure some Jewish law which is much more enduring from his show.

    The only criticism is that Mr. Shapiro talks too fast. When I visit frum friends in Lakewood– I find that many (not all) frum do speak too rapidly as well.

    When I lived in Virginia, during several times of my life, I found many Virginians speak much more slowly and deliberately.

    It may well be I am behind the plow; a very great Rabbi who lived in Lakewood and whom I befriended for many years told me the story of a rabbi who was teaching/learning with his bachrim [sic ?]. In the distance, a farmer was plowing his fields. The rabbi asked his students what the farmer was thinking. Many answers were opined by his flock. Finally, one student asked the rabbi what he thought–answer—he doesn’t THINK !!!

    It is possible that Mr. Shapiro has intelligence/incisiveness and overall brilliance that only T_rah observants can fully understand Ben’s abilities.

    A goy,
    Gerry Mullen
    PS: Suggest all Jew do More Talmud T_orah (MTT), More Davvening (MD) and More Chessed (MC) !!!!

  12. Rabosai…..Regardless of what you think it is PURE LASHON HARA to bash Ben. He is a frum yid and it does not make a difference if you agree or not, but it is totally ASSUR to shame him and slander him. Please stop this.

  13. Shapiro shames himself by his public comments. The only PURE LASHON HARA is to say the names of people that believe that his comments are smart.

  14. Ben is right! COVID is the Yetzer Hora the Democrats are worshipping!! It became the Yetzer Hora of our generation. Don’t get me wrong! COVID can be deadly. Yes, many people unfortunately died but fear of COVID is what we talk about! When fear takes over logic , like not taking or allowing available treatment for COVID , it becomes a dangerous Yetzer Hora. People died because of the democrats rule of not allowing good treatment and medicine for covid. It is the power and control that killed humankind. WE should not have fear . Use logic, take treatment and look to Hashem and our right medical messengers ( Dr’s that will give you medicine , not those that worship Covid and refuse to help you). The world has gone mad. Frum Dr’s forgot about their Oath of providing care and refuse treatments that help people recover. That is what Ben is talking about!! He is absolutely right!

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