IN-HOME GESTAPO: Fauci Says Families Should Enforce Their Own Vaccine Mandates on Visitors [VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Dr. Anthony Fauci is suggesting that families enforce their own vaccine mandates ahead of the upcoming holidays as the public face of the government’s pandemic response continues stoking fears over the Omicron Covid-19 variant, which even Dr. Fauci admits is most likely milder than the dominant Delta variant.

“When you get vaccinated, and you have a vaccinated group, and you are in an indoor setting, you can enjoy, as we have traditionally over the years, dinners and gatherings within the home with people who are vaccinated,” Fauci said.

“And that’s the reason why people should, if they invite people over to their home, essentially ask and maybe require that people show evidence that they are vaccinated, or give their honest and good faith word that they have been vaccinated,” the doctor said.

Fauci has often been criticized for moving the goal posts on when Americans can start returning to normal life throughout the fluctuating Covid pandemic, and particularly regarding the freedoms that vaccinated people should have.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

36 Responses

  1. What’s the point of getting vaccinated, if you still can’t go back to normal unless every man woman child dog and bird has been vaccinated?
    Why is he pretending like your vaccine doesn’t protect you… maybe it doesn’t??
    If it did , he wouldn’t be saying that you need to police everyone you’re in contact with to make sure they’re also vaccinated. FYI I know dozens of vaccinated people who caught covid- many before 6 months passed. In some cases, multiple members of the same family all vaccinated all caught it.

  2. Dear YWN,

    Using the term Gestapo freely like that can be hurtful to people who went through the Holocaust. I doubt anyone who did browses your site, but as a Jewish site you should more sensitive than that.

  3. PLEASE, PLEASE stop this free use of Holocaust and Nazi terminology! People can have even heated debates without resorting to comparisons to the extremely wicked who murdered millions. Dr. Fauci, whether you agree or disagree with his methods, is trying to save lives not murder.

  4. As a child of a Holocaust survivor, I wish to express my outrage at the use of the term GESTAPO in this context. Jews and many people of good will have called out those who dare to use Holocaust imagery or phrases in comparison with other events. For shame.

  5. I never let sheeple through my door, especially if they’re triple vaxxed and leave breakthrough germs all over the place. Only those of us with natural immunity are allowed in.

  6. Usually I don’t comment.
    But I think this headline has gone too far.
    When extremists call other Jews Nazis we cry foul. When non Jewish people use the holocaust to draw comparisons we get extremely upset.
    Take down this title.
    It’s really in bad taste.
    Glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks that.

  7. Shouldn’t we be for this ? We’ve claimed to be for family rights, parents rights, and oppose government mandates and public mandates. So then who should be the ones doing it
    Uness really we want complete complete Anarchy

    While everyone by now is aware that this site is Pravda for evil and occasionally for good this is ludicrous even by those standards

  8. Some commentators here are saying it’s insulting to mention gestapo. I myself am a child of Holocaust survivors but I don’t find it offensive. What I do find offensive is Heimisha people who’s grandparents were holocaust survivors driving German cars. There are other companies that make good cars so why buy German. I never allow a German car the courtesy to pass me. I know everyone uses Boss German mixers but that’s not a public thing. Today I heard Boss is not produced in Germany anymore. Also cars like volks wagon were companies that were behind the murder and enslavement of Jews.

  9. This filthy murderous swine is guilty of mass murder and genocide, this monster supported and financed the illegal research of the Corona virus and subsequent release on the world, causing millions of deaths.
    This treasonous sewer rat should be marched in front of a military tribunal ,exactly like the Nazi’s in Nurenberg, when found guilty ,hang the monster

  10. Y2r- meanwhile in triple boostered Germany there aren’t hundreds of dead Chassidim from Brooklyn alone being wheeled to the morgue-
    SLZ— The person who wrote this headline is a contributor to the reason why Jews are hate throughout the world and viewed often as Whiney disingenuous hypocritical….
    Sariray— Your ignorance is astounding- When the efficacy is 95% that means that they will be a percentage that contractor the virus- And your next billing and post from the Kool-Aid machine perhaps you will provide the hospitalization and death statistics of those that are contracting the virus who have been fully vaccinated.
    Unless you’re too busy on the WhatsApp group yente armchair physician / scientist chat boards

  11. y2r – you are spreading misinformation. Germany has a vaccinated rate of about 70%. Far short of what is necessary to end this epidemic. But then, since you are clearly anti-vaxx, naturally substantive facts don’t matter to you.

    Sariray – does not sound like you understand much about vaccinations. Or perhaps sounds like you are deliberately misrepresenting what a vaccine is to make your anti-vaxx point.

    Editor – your title for the article is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    As to the substance of the article… do you call shuls that ask for your phones to be placed in a locker such names? I am not saying I would ask if guests are vaccinated or not, but seems there is little objection to other demands made on people coming into your home, so not sure why this is so outrageous.

  12. I always heard the Gestapo, were bad people. All they did was encourgae people to get vaccinated? Seems pretty harmless, in fact sounds great.
    and there I was thinking the Gestapo were the bad guys.
    Thanks YWN! for setting the record straight. Keep up the good work

  13. Shame on YWN! Shame for disgracing those that suffered through the holocaust! Gestapo? Are you people sick? The total surrender of your intellect to radical GOP populists is now apparent to all. Disgusting!

  14. As a descendent of Holocaust survivors I completely agree with the article’s headline. Fauci is the head of the modern Gestapo, his funded and aided gain of function bio-weapons research has killed millions of people and the pushing of EXPERIMENTAL poison shots has killed many more people by GIVING them SEVERE cases of COVID-19 and other fatal side effects and given thousands other severe medical side effects.

  15. Is requiring children, even before COVID, to get vaccinated for DPT, small pox and Tetanus in order to enter school a gestapo technique?

  16. I am pleased to see so many commenters objecting to the comparison of Dr. Fauci’s medical advice to the Gestapo. Nothing diminishes the horror and inhumanity of the Holocaust like inappropriate uses of Holocaust comparisons. Shame on YWN’s headline writers.

  17. Along with several other young, attractive Jewish teens, a relative was taken away by lecherous thugs of the Gestapo, never to be seen again. Jews were tortured beyond your imagination. The Gestago was feared even by German soldiers and officers [one of whom risked his life to save my father’s life]. Yet, a site calling itself The Yeshiva World compares them to a man who has dedicated his life to treating infectious disease, and has saved countless lives throughout his decades-long career. [I trained with him in the late 1980s, and can testift that he was kind to this orthodox Jew, if that’s relevant.] The owners of this site have caused a tremendous chillul HaShem; people can erroneously conclude that this site has something to do with yeshivas or at least Judaism, and that Jews are as radicalized and primitive as the mainstream media portrays us. This is beyond belief.

  18. The headline is accurate, and those worshiping the Holocaust god should please stop doing so, or at least keep their idolatry to themselves.

    The gestapo is associated with “papers, please”. That is the point.

    As others have posted, it is also beyond absurd, and very telling, that the “vaccinated” have to be so concerned about the non-“vaccinated”.

    The official claim for these vaccines is that they lessen severity. That’s essentially what is a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

  19. The real foolishness here is that: even if everyone in that party were “vaccinated”, since the “vaccine” officially does not prevent infection and does not prevent transmission, they could still all give each other Covid.

  20. Anyone who thinks the jab protects against transmission and infection is simply uneducated on the issue. The jab only reduces the severity of covid symptoms (supposedly). It does nothing to prevent transmission and infection, and may even increase it, based on the following article…

    From the European Journal of Epidemiology, Sept. 30, 2021:

    “At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases… In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.

    “Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.

    “Across the US counties too, the median new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days is largely similar across the categories of percent population fully vaccinated. Notably there is also substantial county variation in new COVID-19 cases within categories of percentage population fully vaccinated. There also appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated.

    “In summary, even as efforts should be made to encourage populations to get vaccinated it should be done so with humility and respect. Stigmatizing populations can do more harm than good.

    “Importantly, other non-pharmacological prevention efforts (e.g., the importance of basic public health hygiene with regards to maintaining safe distance or handwashing, promoting better frequent and cheaper forms of testing) needs to be renewed in order to strike the balance of learning to live with COVID-19 in the same manner we continue to live a 100 years later with various seasonal alterations of the 1918 Influenza virus.”



  21. And…

    Those with natural immunity are far better protected against both infection and severe disease, according to a large body of research that includes a new study from Israel.

    “If you had COVID before and recovered, all the data that we’re looking at will suggest that you have bulletproof natural immunity, which is much more robust and comprehensive than vaccine immunity,” Dr. Paul Alexander, an epidemiologist who has compiled 141 studies on natural immunity—including a major study from Israel published in August.

    The naturally immune had a 10.5 per 100,000 infection rate six months following their recovery, versus a 69.2 per 100,000 rate among the vaccinated.

    Fauci CLEARLY stands to gain with every jab administered. He is NOT telling you the truth. Wake up!

  22. How can YWN’s standards (such as they are) fall this low? Please remove the Nazi references in the title.

    And the next time YWN thinks it can launch another flamewar when Nerurei Karta goes over the line and makes Nazi references, remember this headline.

  23. @TYW12345678

    “S.V. Subramanian, the Harvard professor of population health and geography behind the paper, says the vaccine doubters are completely wrong.

    “That conclusion is misleading and inaccurate,” Subramanian told me of Horowitz’s Blaze column over email. “This paper supports vaccination as an important strategy for reducing infection and transmission, along with hand-washing, mask-wearing, and physical distancing.”

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