BEGGING: White House Asking News Outlets for Positive Coverage

(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Amid its cratering popularity with Americans, the White House has resorted to practically begging news outlets to report positively on Biden’s policy moves.

According to reports, top White House officials – presumably including President Biden – are “not happy” with how the administration is being portrayed in the media, particularly with regard to supply chain and economic issues.

To counter this negative coverage, White House officials have been briefing newsrooms in an attempt to have media outlets push White House talking points about the unfolding disasters.

Predictably, CNN’s Brian Stelter has publicly approved of the Biden administration’s frustration with the media’s coverage, saying they are “absolutely right” to have grievances with the media.

The White House’s push for positive media coverage is buttressed by a ridiculous article published in the Washington Post which claimed to prove that the media’s coverage of Biden is more negative than the coverage received by former President Trump.

The attempts to get Biden better media coverage has been received by mockery and scorn online.

“Biden’s policies are so popular that he’s begging the MSM to do a better job at lying about it,” one person wrote on Twitter.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. And that orange blob who every day for 4 years was whining on Twitter about the “fake media” and its negative coverage. At least have the journalistic integrity to acknowledge that EVERY president since GW complained about his coverage in the media, to no avail.

  2. GH:

    I gather that every president wants positive coverage. But there’s a catch. Media wants readers, viewers, and clicks. Negative stories sell better. I knew a television commentator who often said things that were quite irritating, resulting in heaps of hate mail to the station. His job was secure. While his viewers seemed to dislike him, but they were viewers, and the bosses loved it.

    It is sad that we observed the media move far away from reporting facts (albeit with a spin), and deteriorate into a narrative generating and promoting entity. When Trump complained about the media, he was accurately pointing to its incessant production of narratives that had no basis in fact. The “Trump is a racist” message had zero factual basis. It was a fabrication of the left to attempt to insure the minorities would all vote for Democrats. And there were mabny others, including the Russia hoax and more.

    So media has decided to not only cash on on negative stoiries for the click value, but to be a bit more factual. And that translates into Biden getting negative press. So the WH protests this. They want attention to accomplishments. Pray tell, what accomplishments? Greater partisanship? Mandates that are unconstitutional? Soaring inflation? Energy being outsourced to anywhere but America? Crime waves everywhere? Unemployment at crazy levels? Being owned by China? Russia laughing at our country? Bringing completely brain dead ideas into schools like CRT? Branding parents of school kids domestic terrorists because they take issue with the woke garbage being forced on their chiuldren? The list goes on. Well, false narratives are the lifeblood of the Democrats, and we need to insure that our government is 100% free of these corrupt and dishonest politicians.

    Let the Biden admninistration cry buckets of tears. But their wreckage of the country should be splattered across every single medium of news. We need to know the truth before getting close to election booths.

  3. Biden’s America –

    Gas Prices are down and falling further to below $3 .
    New unemployment claims fell to their lowest level in 50 years.
    6,000,000 Jobs created since Biden took office. More than any President in first year in office.
    70% of all adults in America fully vaccinated.
    Last year there were 21,000,000 continuing unemployment claims. This year it is down to 2,400,000
    Retail sales are up $90,000,000,000 since last year.
    1 Trillion Dollar – The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, commonly referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill – was passed into law. Only 13 Republican Congressmen voted for it.
    1.9 Trillion Dollar American Rescue Plan passed into law. Zero Republican support

    Now for a few slogans.

    Biden is
    Rebuilding America
    Investing in America
    Building a better America.

    I was going to mention a few tidbits regarding the former guy but I will be like Biden who doesn’t even think of him.

  4. jackk:

    I would hope to read comments, even those that have content that I disagree with that are a bit more intellectual and true. You are victim to the spin of the MSM.

    Here’s point by point.

    Gas prices have dipped microscopically in the past 2 weeks. They increased hugely since Biden took the reins on American economy. We are once again dependent on the Arab world for oil, having been the largest producer. That’s sinful and foolish. It matters how you draw the graph. If you include the Biden WH year, it’s dreadful.

    Nerw unemployment claims is no longer the accurate picture. We have a huge number of people who are living completely on entitlements, doing not a stitch to earn it. Takers, who contribute nothing. But they will vote the Dems into office, becasuse the Dems insure they get their handouts every month. We still have opportunities for work, but no one wants to take them. Why work if Pelosi, Biden and the rest of the tax thieves will pay all expenses?

    Creation of jobs, how misleading. It accounts for jobs that are restored since the spikes of Covid.

    Vaccine – Biden did not do anything to get the vaccines developed. It is a lie to credit him with this. The vaccines emerged into the market in December and January as Trump was leaving office, completely to his credit. Until they were made available to all, it took time. Don’t credit Biden with that. And it is not attributed to mandates either. That’s nothing more than politicians flexing their bullying power.

    Reduction in ongoing unemployment claims. What spin! That’s about how many maxxed out, including the numbers from Covid being put into the 21m calculation. Come on, man.

    What percent of retail sales are attributed to the stimulus checks? How much of this number is inflation? My grocery bill is nearly double from last year, and I am skimping on things.

    The bills voted into law are monsters that are simply waiting to bite. They are not paid for, and passed by hair thin majorities. The tax increases are denied to the media, but are there. You gotta look elsewhere for the facts without spin.

    I was irritated for four years by offensive tweets (though entertained). It was not presidential. But the counbtry was majorly better off. I would trade the tweet stuff for some policies that make lives better, not the wreckage we are now watching.

  5. Unfortunately for the mainstream media, a bunch of political democrat hacks, there is nothing the Biden administration has done that they can even pretend to spin positively. With the exception of GH and the most delusional radical leftists and their elitist funders, the country is sorely missing the “orange blob”, and in all probability, their buyers remorse will manifest in 2022 and 2024. America may still be salvageable.

  6. ….White House practically begging…

    Watch out, media.
    First he begs, then he bribes, and if all else fails…. He mandates.
    And his patience is wearing thin, y’know.

  7. > Gadolhadorah

    That is a sad spin. Trump’s complaint was clearl – that the media are just liars. The Biden administration complaint is that the media is reporting too much of the actual facts.

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