Lying Muslim “Chosson” Sets Up Donation Page to Help Him Immigrate to Israel

The Muslim man who spent years fooling several Jewish communities in the United States about his ethnicity, and married an unwitting Jewish girl under false pretenses, is now asking for donations to help him immigrate to Israel, where he says people are willing to help him convert to Judaism.

Eliya Hawila, who rose to ignominious fame last month after the many lies he spewed for years came to light shortly after getting married to a Jewish girl who believed him to be a member of klal yisroel.

Immediately after his nefarious motives came to light, Haliwa played the role of victim, stating that he had a difficult life and was having trouble converting to yiddishkeit, thus prompting him to lie about his ethnic roots. Now, he appears to have changed course, admitting that he was wrong, but insisting that he wants to become Jewish.

“For years, I lived as a Jew, hurting many people, spending countless shabbosim with many rabbis, being very involved in the Jewish life at the University of Texas, and even occasionally reading the torah at Bnei Binyamin, a Torah center in Brooklyn. Worst of all, I married a girl in the Jewish community in Brooklyn. I went down into a pit that I had knowingly dug into for many years,” Hawila says in a GoFundMe campaign video.

[SHOCKING: Newlywed Sephardic Woman In Brooklyn Discovers Her Husband In Muslim Man]

Still, the Muslim “chosson” justified his lies, saying that he learned of the Syrian community’s unwillingness to marry geirim and “if we had children, they would be halachic Jews anyway.”

“I cannot cancel my wrong, and I take full blame for the terrible pain I caused. However, I want to be responsible and I want to convert,” he said.

[“Eliyah Hawila” Claimed He Studied At Israeli Institution]

Hawila claims that many people in Israel have reached out and offered to help get him converted, but he is now broke, having been fired from a software development firm owned by a Syrian Jew after the revelations about his lies came to light.

Thus, he has set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 so that he can make the trip to Israel.

[NYPD Confirms No Terror Threat Regarding Eliyah Haliwa Who Is Confirmed As NON-JEW]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. I assume the Syrian Chumash omits Targum Onkeles
    Likewise , it’s assumed that Dovid Hamelech’s great grandmother isn’t discussed very often
    Shemaya/ Avtalyon .. Kuzari … many others ..
    but it’s a good rule
    Love rules but especially love edicts . Love edicts so much more .

  2. Whoever donates to him is incredibly naive. That’s how these scammers make money. Same as with Lev Tahor where naive bleeding hearts are feeding the monster leaders who then go on to destroy lives. These scammers get away all the time because not too smart people fall for their sob stories

  3. Whoever helps this guy better take responsibility to make sure he knows he has a lot of learning to do before he can just convert… I wouldn’t be so quick to get involved.

  4. Didn’t the yeshiva world say they’re going to stop writing articles about him ?
    Also on the go fund me website if you type his name you will see the page and I don’t understand why frum ppl are donating to him

  5. I don’t know if you should donate or not, but it seems to me some commenters are commenting as if he’s a jewish con man. The guy is a non jew and this story should be viewed in that context. And yes there is a big difference between a jew and non jew.
    There is a story with a famous pre1a rebbi who taught in an out-of-town school. This rebbi once went to his principal and said he believes one of his students is non jewish. The principal asked why he thinks so. He replied He always davens for his talmidim and if his davening didn’t open this child’s mind for Torah then this must be the problem.
    To repeat, we must view this person as a non jew who did what other non jews may do not what a jew should do.

  6. “10,000 to make a trip to Israel?????…”

    Well probably a bit too high but a Business Class Seat can be up to $6,000 depending on airline and when you fly. Also, need for limo to and from the airport, a nice set of luggage etc. etc. Before you know it your talking real money.

  7. The comments on his GoFundMe page are ridiculous. It’s clear he donated to himself with fake Jewish sounding accounts.

  8. Whoever heard of a gofundme page to become a Ger??? Sincere motives indeed..

    There is no Beis Din Tzedek in EY or anywhere on the world that will facilitate his geirus.

    He is proven to be a fraud, and he is continuing in this vein.

  9. The TYW really cares about this rasha, what about the girl? You give this rasha a platform, next you will be filling papers for him with the immigration office, this is very sad.

  10. I don’t think he is cruel, but I’m still not donating becuase i’m not sure if I should be supporting him. I haven’t formed (and I don’t think I need to) an opinion about this guy. But he isn’t cruel, he wasn’t informed.

  11. I don’t know why anyone is acting unsure of his motives and are even considering giving him money. Just look at his actions:
    Did he spend his whole time in the US actively looking to be Megayer? No you made a couple of inquiries and then he settled down and STARTED DATING JEWISH GIRLS. Is that what you do when you are serious about becoming jewish? You start dating Jewish girls and lying to them? To me this shows there’s no question that he’s a pathological liar and a fraud, and now he’s playing on people’s sympathies. He should be completely ignored henceforth.

  12. I don’t know why anyone is acting unsure of his motives and are even considering giving him money. Just look at his actions:
    Did he spend his whole time in the US actively looking to be Megayer? No, he made a couple of inquiries and then he settled down and STARTED DATING JEWISH GIRLS. Is that what you do when you are serious about becoming jewish? You start dating Jewish girls and lying to them? To me this shows there’s no question that he’s a pathological liar and a fraud, and now he’s playing on people’s sympathies. He should be completely ignored henceforth.

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