VAX TO THE MAX: De Blasio Considering Requiring Booster Shots to Enter Big Apple Venues

With his term as mayor rapidly nearing its close, Bill de Blasio is hastening his implementation of liberal priorities in the Big Apple before his time runs out.

In the latest iteration of his attempt to tighten his stranglehold around the city’s neck, Mayor Bill says he might require people to get Covid-19 booster shots to attend concerts, eat at restaurants, and go to other indoor venues.

“I think it’s a fair question that we’re going to analyze now – with all of our approaches to Covid, we’re going to update them, because we’re dealing with some new challenges at this moment,” de Blasio said in a Friday radio interview.

“So, that will be looked at along with a series of other actions, because it’s really dynamic right now,” he said, referring the rapidly spreading Omicron variant, which has so far been show to be less dangerous than other Covid strains.

New York City currently requires proof of having been administered just a single vaccine dose to enter certain venues, like restaurants, gyms, and theaters.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Booster Shots to Enter Big Apple Venues Please include all Shuls in this edict so that we can fulfill the מצווה עשה מן התורה של “ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם” and please also include all subway trains & stations, & buses.
    I really would feel so much safer.

  2. 147, you really need to get a life. The frum world outside of your few friends still donning masks, has moved on and is concentrating again on guarding and focusing on their actual נפש – their spiritual growth, which is the actual meaning of the פסוק while you are stuck like a broken record. I might add that בס”ד those who have moved on למען ד’ ותורתו do not have higher covid numbers than those stuck like you are.

  3. Ha ha
    The Vaccine has such a great track record that you must force people to take it.

    Nebach on the FOOLS of have taken on this Avodeh Zoreh and blindly believe in it, even though it has NOT protected anyone from getting and spreading COVID.

    Perhaps we should look at other means, see what Joe Rogen did…

    You can BET had the Vaccine been SUCCESSFUL like other vaccines, and had the vaccine’s side effects NOT been so DANGEROUS for so many people, everyone would have been vaccinated 6 month ago….

    Unfortunately REALITY has proven the vaccine to be a BIG FAILURE, the ONLY thing it has accomplished is to make people FOOLS and brainwashed

  4. Total insanity!
    This morning CBS news reported cases of the Omicron variant in Connecti.
    It further reported that those cases were in people who had already been vaccinated, and moreover that this strain of Covid is not as dangerous as the original. Next they push for boosters! Totally irrational reasoning, and that is what our world has come to unfortunately. Unreasonable, irrational reasoning and behavior that is the same not to mention unethical and immoral.

  5. The whole purpose of the shot to elicit an immune response. Those with covid natural immunity, had an immune response to the complete virus package versus the just one element of the vaccine known as the spike protein, so they do not need to take on unnecessary risk.

    So it’s not about health then, not about safety or transmission (jabbed can pass it on)…
    …then what’s it all about? who does this goof work for??

  6. This is the song that doesn’t end
    In six months they’ll be pushing booster number two.
    Good for all of u who didn’t cave so u could enjoy “all that NYC has to offer” because the privilege might be revoked.
    All this for a vaccine that only protects the recipient (and hopefully doesn’t harm them in the process) and only for a short while after which they may be MORE susceptible to covid. Statistically speaking, the highest vaxxed countries and states are seeing the highest covid numbers. Just saying.

  7. Until such time as the border to Israel reopens & remains open to foreigners {in addition to just Miss world pageantry participants} we continue to be in midst of raging Corona & requiring vaccinations & face masks.

  8. Follow the money. Each time the US Government places an order of “free” booster shots it’s about $5 Billion of our tax dollars paying for it….and that’s just for the Pfizer shots. It’s obvious who’s pushing the endless booster hysteria.

  9. Fact:
    All Coronavirus Mutate rapidly, there are 100’s of Corona virus Variants

    Look up “Omicron” and Futurama Cartoon Planet, to see this Blatant Fraud

    Only Vaccinated people are testing positive for Covid now, they named it “ Omicron” to give false impression it’s another virus

    Yet they keep pushing this INEFFECTIVE, FAILED, DANGEROUS Shot that causes more harm,
    Including MYOCARDITIS, Clotting, Miscarriages, Chronic Pain

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