HATE IN NYC: Public Menorah Display in Queens Toppled and Smashed In Same Location As 2014 Incident

A menorah installed by Chabad at an intersection in Queens was toppled, prompting calls for action by Jewish community leaders as well as elected officials.

The menorah was part of a large Chanukah display on Union Turnpike and 220th Street in Hollis Hills, when police responded on motzei shabbos to reports of a menorah had been knocked over. The menorah had been pushed over into the road, breaking most of its lights.

A menorah erected at the same spot in 2014 was knocked over twice. No arrests were ever made in those incidents.

NY Governor Kathy Hochul tweeted “Jewish New Yorkers should be able to celebrate Hanukkah without being subjected to acts of antisemitic hate. I have directed the
NY State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to assist in the investigation of this disturbing act against our Jewish neighbors.”

“Chanukah is a time of peace and joy. No acts of vandalism or anti-Semitism will ever be tolerated,” Queens Democratic state Assemblyman David Weprin said. “Each incident is dehumanizing and a repugnant stain on our community. We are watching. The hard-working members of law enforcement are watching/ And this community – where we always have each other’s back – is watching.”

Rep. Grace Meng condemned the vandalizing of the menorah, saying “we will not tolerate this disgusting and cowardly behavior, and we must continue to call out these crimes. Those responsible must be held accountable.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. @efshar azoi

    The Rebbeh MH”M stated decades ago that the time of redemption arrived. Are you of the people of small faith, that don’t believe in the Rebbeh, King Moshiakh?

    Furthermore, the menoras give Habad-Lubavitch loads of free publicity. Do you think they want to give that up?

    Let’s face it, Lubavitch is not mainstream Judaism, they are a breakaway sect. Like the Conservative movement, they keep some traditions, but deviate from traditional Orthodoxy in other ways.

  2. @Lemayseh
    What are you smoking?
    You are talking such nonsense I’m trying to understand if you are a frum yid.
    Your just meshuge. Your messed up.

  3. @Lemayseh
    Are you frum? You say “Habad” and “Moshiakh”.
    Maybe your an arab?
    Lubavitchers are one of the most strict orthodox jews. Chabad is more machmir than litvish (since you probably don’t know what machmir means, it means most strict).
    I won’t call you an apikores for saying lubavitchers are not frum (orthodox) because I don’t think you’ve learned anything about chabad so you make things up, but you are saying pure lies. (I’m coming down really hard on you because I’m surprised you don’t realize how foolish your words are.)

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