CAMPUS HORROR: Student Kills 3, Wounds 6 At Michigan School [VIDEOS]

Authorities say a 15-year-old sophomore opened fire at his Michigan high school, killing three other students and wounding six other people, including a teacher.

Oakland County Undersheriff Mike McCabe said at a news conference that he didn’t know what the assailant’s motives were for the attack Tuesday afternoon at Oxford High School in Oxford Township, a community of about 22,000 people roughly 30 miles north of Detroit.

Authorities arrested the suspect at the school and recovered a handgun. They didn’t immediately release the names of the suspect or victims.


6 Responses

  1. Which of our regular 2nd Amendment fanatics wants to be the first to post the usual mantra about “guns don’t kill, people kill, etc.” That would be of great nechama to the families of those 3 children who were niftar today. Then, of course, the Republicans will rush to the cameras or their Twitter accounts with their obligatory statements about “our prayers go out to the families of the victims..” and “we shouldn’t politicize this tragedy with any discussions of gun control”.

  2. It was common in 1930s 1940s and 1950s for boys to bring rifles to school to go hunting after school.

    Every boy had a pocketknife.

    And there were NO school shootings.

    When Democratic SOCIALISTS abolish GOD, no school prayer, indoctrinate atheism (evolution) then you have school shootings and other violence.

    If guns cause school shootings why were there no school shootings when USA was a religious society?

  3. you know what the saddest part of this is (in my opinion)? that i almost scrolled over this news without giving it a second thought. that’s how common place these kinds of things have become:'(

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