Obama’s Senior Adviser Admits: Relations Between Netanyahu And Obama Is At ‘Lowest Point’

obiThough Administrations officials insisted this week that there is “no daylight” between the Israeli government and the Obama administration regarding Iran’s nuclear program and the deal reached with Iran, a senior Obama adviser has acknowledged the tension between the leaders of the two countries is at all time low.

In an interview Tuesday night with Israel’s Channel 10, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes admitted that the current state of relations between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama is at a “low point,” comparing the tension to the famous 2011 rift.

“We’ve weathered storms like this before in the relationship,” Rhodes told Channel 1o reporter Gil Tamari. Asked if this was the “same” case, Rhodes answered, “This is the same, but we believe we can get through it together, because there are so many things that Israel and the United States have in common.”

“We feel like we have the same objective here preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon,” Rhodes added.

Rhodes also appeared to urge Israel not to carry out a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, by communicating the Administration’s position with the Israeli public. “Our case to Israel will be, let’s give these negotiations a chance to succeed,” he said. “A military strike has no guarantee of eliminating the nuclear infrastructure or what they already know how to do and could incentivize them to breakout. We keep all options on the table … but we want to see if we can get this done diplomatically.”

Asked by Channel 10 if he was suggesting Israel not attack Iran over the next six months, Rhodes said, “Our view is it’s preferable to solve this problem peacefully at the negotiation table … the prime minister of Israel has to make his own decisions.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. These two idiots Kerry and Obummer sound like the English prime minister (I can’t remember his name) who said after meeting with Germany “Peace in our time”! They are pathetic.

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