Minimum Wage for Casino Workers in the UK: Salary Range

Ever wondered what a casino workers salary is? What taxes on winnings are there? Learn all the details about the salary range in the casino industry in the UK here!

Casinos are a great place to have a night out with your friends. There’re dozens of games, there’s lively background music, there are drinks nearby at the bar, etc.

But are they just as great a place to work? If you love gambling and casino games, working at a casino might be a dream job for some people in the UK. Working at a casino means working long hours in a very public position, running the games, and interacting with patrons.

There are several different roles at a casino, but most people are looking forward to the Dealer or Croupier. But before one can indulge in the dream, there’s the reality to consider.

What exactly is the salary range in the casino industry like? How much does a typical casino worker earn in a month?

In this article, we will review precisely that. We’ve researched the minimum wage in the UK and how casino workers salaries relate to that. We have also learned what taxes are paid by casino employees and how it impacts your take-home earnings.

Minimum Wage in the UK

Before we can discuss casino workers salaries, we need to consider the UK as a whole. In 2022, the minimum wage in the UK will be £9.50 hourly for workers aged 23 and above. For workers between 18 and 22, the minimum wage ranges from £6.83 to £9.18 per hour.

The minimum wage in the UK is quite good. It is higher than the majority of the US and the EU. Only a few US states, like Washington, Washington D.C., and California, have a higher minimum wage.

Everything about Taxes

Taxes are an inevitable part of life, as anyone knows. When it comes to casinos, there are numerous taxes to deal with as well.

In the UK, there are actually no taxes on winnings. Government taxes are levied on Casinos instead, at 15% of the profit. This applies to both physical establishments and online gaming sites.

What does that mean? It means as a gambler, if you win £20, you get to keep the entirety of that £20, barring any kind of service charge or transaction fee from the casino. Let’s say you visit one of the sites on our list of £3 minimum deposit casinos UK and play a few games of roulette. Everything you win is yours to keep.

That is why the UK is one of the best places to be a gambler. The UK Gambling Commission’s rules are relatively relaxed on players and more focused on regulating the casinos themselves. Not a lot of other countries have taxes on winnings.

Working at a Casino

Now, what if you want to be on the other side of the table? What if you’re going to enter the casino industry, not as a player, but even more involved?

There are no real educational or experience requirements for most jobs on the floor. Consequently, the jobs are all low-paying. There is always an opportunity to move up, but until you do

A cashier deals with players at the front, exchanging chips for money as needed. Cashiers typically earn the minimum wage of £9.50, plus some tips. Their total takeaway should be around £16,000 to £18,000 annually, before taxes and tips.

Croupiers and Dealers have a more comprehensive range of possible incomes. Their work requires some skill and experience. So, they can expect to earn anywhere from £15,000 to £25,000 without accounting for taxes and tips. Good Dealers can make a lot of tips by keeping the players at the table happy and thrilled!

There are other roles like Slots Technicians and Security Operators. The pay for these roles ranges from £25,000 to £30,000. However, they are more technical roles requiring some computer or technological skills to ensure the spins aren’t interrupted.

If you wonder what kind of taxes you need to pay, there isn’t much to worry about. All these jobs fall in the UK’s lowest income tax bracket. 20% of your income above £12,500 will be taxed. That comes out to a few hundred pounds for some of the roles. Any tips you make can definitely cover that and go past.


Working at a casino does not seem like the most financially rewarding decision. However, for those who enjoy social interaction and the idea of running casino games, it can be an enjoyable job. At the end of the day, they can use the tables and play for free. There are always other minor bonuses.

For those who want to make a career of it, starting on the casino floor can be a significant first step before you move up to management.

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