N.J. Towns Mobilizing Against New Housing Rule

housingdevelopment1.jpgMunicipal governments throughout New Jersey are preparing to fight a series of new affordable-housing rules that, they say, will force steep hikes in property taxes, already the highest in the nation.

One angry committeeman said that once voters understand what lawmakers in Trenton did last week during a headlong rush to pass the state budget, there will be outrage.

“I don’t think a lot of towns realize what’s hit them yet,” said David Sandahl, a committeeman in Hopewell Township. He is helping spearhead one of the legal challenges, and more than 100 towns have signed on.

(Source: Star Ledger)

One Response

  1. What is Virginia doing different? Is it that the VA State is paying a bigger share than the NJ State govt is paying? Or is it something else?

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