Petira of Mrs. Blimy Reisman A”H

candle772.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Mrs Blimy Reisman A”H (wife of Yanky Reisman) of Flatbush on Friday night after an illness. The Levaya is scheduled for 11:00AM at Shomrei Hachomos Chapels (Boro Park).

She leaves behind a mother, husband, and eight children.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

3 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Emes, she left behind a very nice family some of which I know from Yeshiva Darchei Torah. Chaim Asher and Zevi I wish my condolences to you two.

  2. Mrs. Reisman a”h was a wonderful person, over the last few days I heard from her sons how over all the years she was sick she never showed it.
    She will be sorely missed.
    B”H her eldest son had a baby during the shiva who was named after her, may she be an everlasting zchus to her namesake.

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