Alta Fixsler’s Sheloshim: “The Torrential Rain Stopped When We Reached The Kever”

Avraham Fixsler, the father of Alta Fixsler, a’h, who was murdered a month ago by the British government, visited her kever at Har HeMenuchos in Jerusalem on Erev Shabbos for the sheloshim.

Reb Fixlser, his son, relatives, and friends recited Tehillim for Alta’s neshamah.

Reb Fixsler told B’Chadrei Chareidim that due to the heavy rain on Friday, he was only able to gather a minyan of Jews. But since one person was late, they were forced to wait for about a half-hour for the “asiri.”

“We stood and waited there with umbrellas while torrential rain was coming down,” he said. “We didn’t know how we would be able to enter the beis kevaros and daven properly under such conditions.”

“But then when the ‘asiri’ walked toward us, something miraculous happened. At the moment that we stood next to her kever, the rain stopped completely and the Shamayim above us cleared until the end of the azkara. I’m sure that it was the koach of my daugher, a’h.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. chareidi amiti:
    Yes. There are countless news articles describing how they murdered her despite other countries and organizations offering to cover the costs of her medical transport and further needs in those countries.

  2. CA, yes, she was murdered.

    HK, the whole issue of the costs is a red herring. It is completely irrelevant to the story, and bringing it up is a deliberate attempt to confuse the matter. The UK courts’ decision had nothing whatsoever to do with costs. The lower court decided, and the appeals courts agreed, that it was in the baby’s best interests to be dead, and so they determined to give her the death they said she deserved. They were standing up for her “rights”, against “cruel parents” who would rather see her suffer than allow her to die. And they were willing to spend as much money as it took to make sure she died. As incredible as this seems, it’s the truth. As a wise man said, a “well-meaning friend” with a twisted hashkofa can do more damage than an avowed enemy. In fact I think some commentators say this on “miyad ochi miyad eisav”. Others say it about Lovon’s wish to kiss his daughters and grandchildren.

  3. Yodayim yeday eisav. Eisav and Yishmael want to kill every one of us. We must be strong and never forget what they did to this little girl and to all of us from the beginning of our history.
    May her neshama have an aliya to Gan Eden. May Moshiach come quickly in our days.

  4. Socialized medicine for you… when they decide for financial reasons that a life has no value, and try to bury their ruthlessness in the excuse of the “best interest of the patient” and refuse to allow others to pick up the bill and care for patient elsewhere. Beware of AOC, the anti-israel/anti-Jewish-life socialist democrat and her ilk, trying to impose their agenda on the rest of us. This country is changing…. American values are changing.

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