THANKS, BLAZ: Majority of Cops Regret Joining the NYPD

A sobering internal NYPD survey found that 56% of the force’s cops regret having joined.

The survey underscores the challenges facing law enforcement as Black Lives Matter, bail reforms, Defund the Police movement, and general anti-cop rhetoric from Democrats and other leftists run rampant.

79% of the nearly 6,000 cops surveyed don’t think things will get better anytime soon, saying they believe the Big Apple will be even less safe in two years.

A majority of the polled officers also believe that the New York public distrusts and disrespects them, with 73% saying the public doesn’t have a good relationship with them.

A stunning 80% said they fear aggressively fighting crime because of repercussions from lawsuits, an end to qualified immunity, and even internal discipline.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)



3 Responses

  1. Rabosai:

    We will merit watching Blaz leave public office, and should daven that he never succeeds in returning. Meanwhile, we must study the incoming mayor well. He has already made a number of statements opposing the attitudes of Blaz and the progressive, socialist left. But he is a Democrat, and needs to be monitored closely. Once he begins allowing the influences of those ideas, he must be rejected. Vigilance.

  2. According to Blasio it’s much more honorable and respectable to be a BLM protester than be a part of NY’s Finest.
    Blasio will go down in history as being the most famous mayor in totally wrecking the once vibrant NYC.
    Why people in NY don’t vote Republican is beyond me.

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