Conference Of Synagogue Rabbonim Of Agudath Israel On “Hetirim” For Married Women To Remarry Without Get

Agudath Israel of America shared a statement from the Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudath Israel.

It has come to our attention that the so called “International Beit Din” (IBD) has issued multiple heteirim for married women to remarry without a get, utilizing various methods and arguments.

Gedolei Haposkim and multitudes of Rabbonim from across the spectrum have publicly decried the actions of the IBD and claim that their heteirim have no merit. The Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudas Yisrael join them in protest. Throughout the generations such matters were dealt with exclusively by universally recognized, foremost Gedolei Haposkim, in conjunction with other Gedolei Hador, and we firmly state that it is unprecedented and unacceptable for these matters to be dealt with in any other manner.

We turn to Rabbonim from across the country and across the world, and to all who hold our Torah and Kedushas Yisrael dear, to only rely on decisions rendered by valid, recognized Batei Din. It is our opinion that no Rav may be mesader kiddushin for any woman on the basis of a heter from the IBD to remarry. While the plight of agunos pains us deeply, and we hope and pray for them to be released from the chains of igun, dubious heteirim do not resolve their predicament. To the contrary, it only complicates a woman’s situation by causing issues of issurim chamurim of arayus and mamzeirus.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. So the IBD is bad. OK, I worked with a woman who was held hostage by her husband for 8 years. Its maddening. And yes, sometimes it is the women in the wrong. But there needs to be a clear and strong way to handle these cases. The IBD is simply an outgrowth of our stagnation in this area. Perhaps this will open the eyes of Gedolim and progress will be made in this area.

  2. There needs to be a list for everyone to see of qualified batei din and people need to know ehy thry are qualified. Most people don’t know.

  3. IBD uses various techniques some of which are controversial. It is not possible to make blanket statements; each case is different

  4. @Furhatone: The eyes of Gedolim are VERY OPEN in these matters and efforts such pre-marital agreements etc are being made.
    To create mamzeirim does not solve the problem!

  5. There is only 1 known cure for this epidemic:- 1) No woman EVER interfere with a Father’s parenting time, & 2) agree to joint custody when requesting, 3) and also NEVER interfere with Paternal Grandparent visitation.
    When the above 3 caveats are fulfilled, Guaranteed:- No Ghet shall ever be withheld.

  6. Get Meusah is a problem. Some women are with-held from receiving a Get because of usage of secular courts against their husband.

    The heter to re-marry only makes it worse because now they can bypass the Get issue that the Feminists and greedy dayanim created.

  7. AMJC:
    You’re right, of course, but that is likely why they qualified their condemnation with “Throughout the generations such matters were dealt with exclusively by universally recognized, foremost Gedolei Haposkim…”

    That’s why.

  8. The letter specified the IBD. It did not specify the Rabbanut of Tel Aviv.They did not say that you need a גט to remarry. They said they want to handle the הפקעה which is a great victory .

  9. I understand why some might say that the Internation Beit Din has gone too far.
    However, I do find it ironic that the impressively-titled (unlike the IBD, they’re not “so-called”) “Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim of Agudas Yisrael”  has taken a leadership role in issuing condemnations, but have not taken a leadership role in offering constructive alternatives.
    All they claim to have done is “hope and pray.”
    (“Hope and pray” is considered leadership?)

    Aside from condemning other groups (be it IBD, Reform, Israeli government, NYC Government, politicians, etc) and calling for “days of prayer”, what examples could one give of their having come up with creative, halachically-acceptable solutions to ANY problem whatsoever? Anything? Even one?

    Are halachic Jews to be left with the IBD or nothing?

  10. There are the same halachically-acceptable solutions to the aguna issue as three are halachically-acceptable solutions to cure cancer.

    Halacha or Rabbonim cannot cure cancer and Halacha or Rabbonim cannot cure the aguna problem. There are no cures to either. Just like you cannot blame the Rabbonim for not finding a cure to cancer, you cannot blame the Rabbonim for not finding a cure to the aguna problem.

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