NYPD Officers Fleeing to Florida, Where They Respect Law Enforcement

Many of New York City’s finest are fleeing the Big Apple for the warm, sunny embrace of Florida, as anti-cop rhetoric in the city that never sleeps continues to fester.

Fourteen NYPD officers have fled to the welcoming police force in Lakeland, Florida in the past year, with twelve of the transfers coming in the past two months alone.

Matthew Spoto, a former NYPD cop who made the move, said that he was embarrassed to say he a police officer when in New York.

“I used to tell people I was a bartender. I was ashamed to be a law enforcement officer,” Spoto said.

Besides for being accepting of police officers in Lakeland, the city’s police department also pays more.

The average starting salary for an NYPD officer is about $42,500 annually, while the minimum salary for Lakeland police officers is $53,000.

And with a mayor like Bill de Blasio constantly attacking and undermining police, why wouldn’t they just leave? It’s just common sense.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. What’s the point of this article? That all the cops are running away from NYC and heading to Florida? But 14 cops out of a police force of thousands isn’t much of a showing, is it?

    While it may be true that the police are not very respected in NY, this article certainly doesn’t talk to that at all. Aside from the fact that seemingly the large majority aren’t going anywhere so quickly, we also aren’t told how many cops from Florida have moved to NY
    this year. We also aren’t told what the numbers were in recent past yrs, so that we can see or not see a trend…

    Silly, childish article

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