ANTI-VAX OR ANTI-JEW? NY Gov Candidate Attends Protest with Nazi Symbols on Full Display

Protesters demonstrating against Covid-19 vaccine mandates outside the office of New York Assembly Jeffrey Dinowitz on Sunday brandished Nazi symbols, including one who held a banner with a swastika on it and another who had a yellow Star of David affixed on his jacket.

The protest was organized and attended by former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, who is now running for governor. He claims he had no idea that there were Nazi symbols at the protest.

“I had no idea until I saw this photo. If I’d seen it, I’d have told them to take the sign down. No comparison to those atrocities & yes, I’ve always condemned anti-Semitism,” he wrote on Twitter.

He then tweeted again later: “Not only didn’t I see the sign, woman holding it had a different sign when I met her prior to the event. Regardless of who the woman was or why she was there, if I saw the sign I would have stopped and had it removed. Absolutely inappropriate.”

Dinowitz was having none of the excuses.

“People are perfectly free to express their opinion on vaccines or any issue, but to openly display Nazi symbols outside the office of a Jewish legislator is despicable,” Dinowitz said in a statement on Twitter.

“Rob Astorino stood right next to these anti-Semitic symbols and said NOTHING. All Republican leaders should condemn this unacceptable use of anti-Semitic imagery. I am sorry to any constituents who passed by this repugnant display outside of my office today.”

Dinowitz, who is sponsoring a bill that would require all New York students to be vaccinated to attend school, defended his position, saying that mandates are a normal part of life.

“The fact that children have to get the vaccinations for measles, mumps, rubella, etc. — that’s a mandate. You have to wear your seatbelt in your car. That is a mandate. You’re driving on the right side of the car — mandate,” Dinowitz said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. Before even getting to the despicability of this savage behavior, let me so absolute clear, that this is such a major 180 degree contradiction:- Corona vaccinations are to save lives & preserve health, whereas nazis are to gas out lives & destroy health, so obviously these savage demonstrators are full of contradictions.

  2. The Nazis did medical trials on jews. Some people have the right to believe that the government has no right to enforce medical treatment on anyone. For example, Sweden puts a chip into people in order to identify them.

    It’s a basic human right to refuse medical treatment. If vaccinations truly works, than why do the vaccinated have to worry about the unvaccinated?

  3. The depths of depravity and purposeful ignorance of this article and discussion, is absolutely appalling!
    She was trying to compare the vaccine to nazi experiments. Which a very good comparison. A good sign.
    That is NOT anti jew in ANYWAY!!
    Am I the only one with sence?

  4. These people were not being anti-semitic, they were expressing the sentiment that they found comradely with Jewish martyrs – many of whom had been subjected to coerced medical procedures without consent, including unnecessary ‘delousing’ and chemical bathing with toxic chemicals, which is quite the parallel to what is being promulgated and even mandated once again in our very days. This is now after the Nuremberg Codes as well, which makes this an open crime by international agreement. The fact that Jewish people in power have not protested these mandates, but rather are now stooping to call the heroes who resist this tyranny through an argument of racism and implying religious guilt is actually not only unfair to the issues at hand, but absolutely disgusting. People who object to allowing bodily autonomy for other are blatant evildoers, and who else might they be compared to other than Nazis? Do they honor Hashem? It is impossible to fathom that they can relate to our Father Above at all.

  5. There are good people on both sides. The main thing is to support Trump and all standard GOP nonsense. “One Religion” and swastikas are truly no big deal.

  6. “This is now after the Nuremberg Codes as well, which makes this an open crime by international agreement.”

    This is not true. Please stop making things up.

  7. What a dishonest article. There is nothing antisemitic about displaying nazi symbols in order to accuse someone of being a nazi. It may be foolish, it may be a grotesque exaggeration, it may be all kinds of things, but the one thing it is definitely NOT is antisemtiic.

  8. Of course this is not antisemitic in any way. It is comparing the “experiments” nazis did on Jews to the experiments our governments are forcing on us with government mandated “vaccines”. If anything, these people were showing solidarity with the Jews in the holocaust.

  9. I thought its feminists who love to claim that it’s their bodies and they can do whatever they want. When it comes to abortion and nudity we are against that argument, but when it comes to Covid vaccine people say the same thing so we they like to pick and choose when it’s convenient to use that argument.

  10. Why not compare them to nazis? I think they have a lot in common. And yes my parents went through the holocaust. And we are very afraid for it to be repeated.

  11. Rob Astorino’s words are quite believable. As one can see for oneself, that woman is standing somewhat behind him and it is obvious that he is paying more attention to the media than the people holding signs behind him. Also, why would someone who is running for office jeopardize his chances to win by using racism and then backtrack? Unless one has definitive proof that he’s a racist he should be given the benefit of the doubt.

  12. Happy that some commenters are standing up for this woman. I agree with her completely. It is very scary that many don’t realize that such mandates bring us one step closer to the type of tyranny that enabled the Holocaust. [I’m sure, in contrast to the very misguided sentiments voiced by @lastword, which, I would say, actually are anti Semitic and stupid, as well — (@lastword, have you seen the pictures of some of those experiments… no comparison to an at least mostly safe vaccine… DISGUSTING… learn some Jewish history, my G-d; you made some really nice points, though) the woman probably meant (as I and many others believe and as I unlined above — that these mandates are DANGEROUS… not that they are actually the same thing as the nazi atrocities… or a billionth of them!] By the way, I am vaccinated.

  13. Despicable! Forcing people to mutilate their bodies and their own children’s is no different than what the Nazos did! Wake up everyone this is a crime against all of humanity! People get dock with the virus even after conforming to all this stupidity! We have rights as human beings and these self hating Jews don’t see past their own pockets! No other way to explain this!

  14. How is comparing one’s opponent to the Nazis an insult to Jews????

    If anything is shows to what extent the goyim view our enemies as being the paradigm that defines evil, which from a Jewish perspective is very positive. In the not to distant past, many people thought that totalitarianism was a good thing, and many who are now woke saw Nazism has a good thing (e.g. support for racial breeding thru birth control selective abortion or euthansia of those deemed unfit).

    The idea that the state controls you and can do whatever it wants, to whomever it wants, is the core tenant of all totalitarian regimes. It is good the politicians are opposed to it.

    YWN should not risk its credibility by its inability to distinguish between an anti-nazi and an anti-Semite.

  15. Scary.
    We have gotten to the point where any display of a swastika is immediately called out as anti Semitic.
    So if you had an official calling for putting all Jews into a ghetto, and someone protested outside their office with a Nazi symbol, it would be the protester who is anti semitic?

    J. M. The dog, Yemach shemo vizichro conducted medical ”experiments ” on our relatives for ”the good of mankind ” research, experiments, all sorts of wonderful scientific stuff, all for the good of course.
    The ”vaccines ” are new, nobody knows Toni term effects, and forcing people to take it is medical experimentation. Simple definition. The fact that it’s supposedly being done for the greater good, doesn’t change what is being done.
    Forced medical experimentation. Hence the perfectly apt and correct analogy of Nazi behavior.

  16. Rob Asterino has a very good record. Dinowitz is trying to pull his “I’m a Jew card” and wave it around to show how offended he is.

    If Dinowitz is concerned by the comparison, perhaps he should leave the socialist Democrat party. Remember those other guys were socialist too hence their name and acronym!

  17. This article is a political stunt. Forcing people to inject themselves with what they consider to be harmful substances and what is still in experimental stage is a crime against humanity and it is therefore appropriate to use Nazi era symbols to show that our rights as human beings are denied for us.

    How is using Nazi era symbols to demonstrate what they believe (and I as well) to be evil anti-Semitic?

  18. Jeffrey Dinowitz is my State Assemblyman. I will be campaigning for his re election next year. Astorino has shown himself to be unfit for public office.

    The anti-vaxxers’ propaganda is literally killing people, including Jews. And to compare the vaccines to the Nazi medical experiments defames the memory of the victims of the Nazis. Mandatory vaccinations in the US go all the way back to George Washington; nobody’s rights are being abridged by the mandates. There is no right to endanger others with a deadly virus.

    What is really scary is that so many Jews are supporting the people who want to do us harm.

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