NOT BACKING DOWN: Eric Adams Says Threats From BLM Won’t Stop Him; Will Put Plainclothes Cops Back On Streets

(Eduardo Munoz/Pool Photo via AP)

Following incendiary comments from BLM leader Hawk Newsome threatening riots and bloodshed in New York City if Eric Adams doesn’t cave to his demands, the mayor-elect had a simple message for him: get lost.

“I made it clear on the campaign trail: I’m going to put in place not the Anti-Crime Unit, I’m going to put in place a plainclothes gun unit,” Adams said in an interview.

“We must zero in on gun violence in our community,” the former police captain and outgoing Brooklyn borough president continued. “You’ve seen what’s happening when a young man, 21 years old, was shot by a 17-year-old man carrying a gun,” he said, referencing a recent bungled gang hit that left an innocent man dead.

Asked specifically if he would back down due to Newsome’s threat, Adams was firm.

“This is what I’m going to do. That was my promise and I’m going to keep it,” he said, adding in a later news conference that the threats are “silly” and that “New Yorkers should not allow rhetoric like that.”

“This city is not going to be a city of riots, it’s not going to be a city of burning. This is going to be a city where we are going to be safe. We are going to have effective policing that is not heavy-handed. We’re going to have the backs of our police officers, we’re going to hold them accountable to do their jobs,” Adams said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. I don’t get it. Why can’t these BLM leaders be arrested for terrorism, just like some of the Jan 6 “rioters” were? Isn’t it illegal to threaten physical harm?

  2. FrumWhere:
    If you have the right magical skin color, you can say and do what you want and nothing will happen to you. Hate speech only applies to white Republican males. Every public case has to fit the narrative put out by the degenerate perverts in the DNC controlled media:
    Black = victim
    White = aggressor

  3. How come there are fine, civil people being “deplatformed” from social media, and this evil piece of filth with his dangerous threats is allowed on the soapbox???

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