PROMISE MADE, PROMISE KEPT: NJ Gov Murphy Comes Through for Thousands of Lakewood Children

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy on Monday signed Bill S-3000 into law, codifying and establishing certain network adequacy standards for pediatric primary and specialty care in Medicaid program.

The law allows Medicaid patients to receive specialty care without having to drive many hours or wait for the lengthy approval process, thereby giving children with Medicaid health coverage the same treatment opportunities as those with commercial insurance.

The law will force Medicaid policies – which are issued by a handful of insurance companies – to include more out-of-state facilities in their plans.

This law will impact many Lakewood families, for whom updated Medicaid adequacy standards are crucial to getting their children the medical treatment they need. For instance, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which was recently made not available to Medicaid parents, will likely now be added back on to health insurance policies covered by Medicaid.

Sources tell YWN that Murphy had said he would sign the bill after the election.

“We thank Governor Murphy for signing this critical bill into law and assuring that the most vulnerable children in our community and throughout the state receive the best possible care, regardless of their financial circumstances or geographic service area,” said Rabbi Sruli Fried, director of Chai Lifeline NJ/PA.

“This is a momentous day for the families of Chai Lifeline and I want to thank the entire community for their advocacy and support in making this possible. The tireless efforts of hundreds of our families and friends—their calls and letters to their representatives—have made a real difference and will impact countless lives. Thank you!”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. Sad that so many Lakewood residents rely on welfare and that Lakewood leaders are willing to pander to Democrats to expand welfare.

  2. If you believe stealing from others for your childrens health is ok and mutar, then great.
    but if you believe in the Torah, and trealize WE will be paying for it, NOT murphy.
    He has no right to sign anything. WE must give this tzedakah WILLINGLY.
    otherwise, it is STEALING!!

    Nothing surprising, just stating the obvious.
    anybody who uses social programs is a ganev. Murphy is a ganev – you are taking from a ganev.

  3. Kudos

    He’s been a friend to our community throughout. As the Rabbanim and intelligent people were saying….

    It’s a terrible shame that so many people get so carried away with Trumpism and being anti-democrat (I am generally too) that they cannot recognize that sometimes it makes sense to vote for what makes practical sense.

  4. Genius15 – How empty, sad and miserable your life must be that you always feel the need to bash Lakewood whenever the “opportunity” presents itself. Your comment is factually not true but if it helps your agenda so why not!!! I have a suggestion for you ….. go in any Bais Hamedrash and learn a few hours and try it for a week or two and hopefully before long you’ll start to see the beauty in Limmud Torah and perhaps one thing will lead to the next and your blatant hatred for Lakewood will be a thing of the past. Your hatred for Lakewood is only because you despise Torah and Kollel life … and you know it!! Let us know how it went…

  5. It would be nice if YWN would just provide the service that we are coming to receive, without inserting their own biases into most of the headlines.

  6. Hi genius
    Sounds good to mock Lakewood, its the new way of antisem.. but I just would like to let you know that for children to be on Medicaid you can be making a whole lot of money and it got nothing to do with welfare. More than that, that was until now, soon everybody will be eligible for Medicaid for their children, everyone besides you who won’t go on welfare. Shame on you! And btw the reason so many people are on Medicaid is because they decide to be Moiser Nefesh to learn Torah and therefore have less means, not because they are lazy to work or anything close.

  7. Now they’re gonna have great Medicaid access LO alenu for all the vaccine damaged kids when he mandates those toxic shots for kids

  8. Ciattarelli may opt to initiate and also continue to support this if he turns out being the one to actually become the NJ governor. He is also interested in doing away with the ‘covid experimental injection’ mandates (and other covid tobacco science legislation), which is more than Murphy is on record of yet considering assisting with.

  9. @Genius15
    Hmm, so are you willing to foot the many thousands of dollars for medical bills of the parents who’s children need special medical care? Some of which I know because I work for a special needs organization, and some of which are “regular” illnesses that require ongoing intensive, and costly, care?

    How about next time you take a dig at people, put your money where your mouth is, and why don’t you pick up your dignity on the way out…

  10. Department of Human Services | NJ FamilyCare. NJ FamilyCare is not a welfare program, but rather the State of New Jersey’s way of providing affordable health coverage for kids and certain low-income parents.

  11. Did they sell their votes for this? In order words, the number of votes for this may have left the democrat in the office?

  12. Venomous people, check your yichus.
    There are many people deserving and eligible for the assistance that this great country provides, a simple thank you- hakores hatov at the very least.

  13. Sorry but Herr Murphy cannot force CHOP too accept any NJ Family Care policy. CHOP is in Pennsylvania, NOT NJ. ( We use CHOP so we know where all their branches are.)

    This is gurnisht mit gurnisht.

  14. Jersey Jew
    Peditric adequacy standards will compel NJ – HMO to enter contract negotiations with tertiary hospitals like CHOP.

  15. @rt:
    America is great because it allows ppl to WORK hard and live a good life. Land Of OPPORTINITY to make $.
    NOT BECAUSE it steals money from those that work and gives to those that dont!! thats the evil side of america! never was part of americas founding principals.

    You sound like an anti – American leftist.

  16. @rt:
    if you think we should THANK anyone for stealing – and its ok for frum ppl to steal- you should check ur yichus.

    Cheating on taxes is NOT stealing, it is keeping ur own money.
    Taking $ from taxes – STEALING!!

  17. So the rest of the night resident have to suffer to help Lakewood residents out – it’s bad enough Murphy stole the election, but now this. Just curious if u still stand by him when he mandates the vaccine for your innocent little kida

  18. “WE must give this tzedakah WILLINGLY. otherwise, it is STEALING!!”

    Wrong. Chazal mandate community support for those less well off. You can find it in the last chapter of Yerushalmi Peah. Rambam codifies it as binding halachah and furthermore holds that anyone not willing to give the assessed amount of tzedakah gets flogged and has their property confiscated by beit din. That is in Hilchot Matanot L’evyonim.

    Some have called your attitude midot Sedom.

    “Taking $ from taxes – STEALING!!”

    Wrong again. Chazal clearly mandate taxes. Jewish communities collected taxes for education and for public works. And while the exact parameters of dina malchutcha dina are not universally agreed upon, all agree that it applies to taxes levied lawfully by a gentile government.

    You need to return to the beit midrash.

    “never was part of americas founding principals.”

    Wrong yet again. Taxes were levied in Jamestown at least as early as 1619. George Washington’s first administrative job was as the Warden of his parish (church and state were the same in colonial Virginia) which made him responsible for collecting taxes and distributing them to the poor. In New England, there were also taxes to support public schools, which were established first by the 1630s in Boston.

    The US Constitution, written in 1787, specifically gives the right to tax to the federal government. Read it some time.

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