Senator Graham Has Israel’s Back, Say Jewish Activists Following Meeting Over Iran

Senator Linsdey Graham meetingSenior Jewish activists met Wednesday afternoon with Senator Lindsey Graham(R-SC), who proposed a Senate resolution to authorize the use of force against Iran should sanctions fail, to discuss the Iranian threat and express their support for the Senator’s opposition against a possible deal with Iran.

When the Senator was asked by noted Jewish activist Simcha Lyons why he was such a strong supporter of Israel, being that he represents a very small Jewish constituency in the State of South Carolina? “If it’s good enough for God, it’s good enough for me,” he quipped.

One of the attendees, Rabbi Steven Weil, Executive Director of the Orthodox Union of America commented, “We are confronting the issue that will define the 21st Century if not the Third Millennia. A Nuclear Iran will affect all of humanity. Israel may be first but they are not last. Allowing Iran to maintain the capability f enriching Uranium and Plutonium will not only put world peace at stake but will insure the Sunni Crescent procures Nuclear weapons of their own to combat the Shia world. The Saudis have already lost confidence in America and are working with the Pakistanis. This is not the Détente between the US and USSR. We are on the verge of terrorist networks being armed with Nuclear Dirty Bombs that can be employed on any continent at anytime”.

The event was Co-Chaired by Jason Lyons of Boca Raton, Florida who serves as one of the senior Jewish Liaisons to the Republican Party.

Senator Lindsey GrahamSenior Jewish Liaison, and Co- Chairmen of the event Jason S Lyons with Senator Lindsey Graham

“I’ve asked Jason to help coordinate support in the Jewish community for this resolution as this issue effects all of us. Heaven forbid, we must act if necessary” said Senator Lindsey Graham.

“The Senator is very passionate about this pending resolution and was very candid about the situation facing Israel and the rest of the free world should this not get resolved. I give him a lot of credit for leading the charge on this game changing issue. God should bless him and his family” said Jason Lyons.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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