WATCH: Senator Felder Blasts De Blasio For Shut Firehouses Due To Vaccine Mandate

State Senator Simcha came out swinging against NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate which has caused numerous firehouses to close as firefighter hesitate to get vaccinated.

“The Mayor’s vaccine mandate flies in the face of science and restricts perfectly reasonable options, with disastrous consequences,” Senator Felder said. “In the name of public safety, hospital wards and police precincts are understaffed, fire stations are closed, rats are festering in the garbage that is piling up across the city; and they want us to believe that this is in everyone’s best interest!”

“The mandate is a punitive policy that punishes people for making individual health decisions. It is preposterous, especially in NYC, of all places, where the very same people, who believe every individual has an inalienable right to choose whatever feels subjectively right in the moment, are the ones pushing a one-size-fits-all public policy that would make perfect sense in North Korea,” he added.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. A vaccine mandate is a throwback to medieval-era tyranny and threatens to bring Marxism and poverty to this country and any governmental region that adapts it. It must be resisted and protested against.

    If someone actually wants to take it, Rav Chaim Kanievsky says he won’t be judged as a total na’ar and will still have olam ha’baah – probably in a similar way as the person related in the Talmud who fell and died while sending away the mother bird (fulfilling a commandment). Nebach though.

  2. Wake up, idiots! Do you think Blasio cares about your health!?
    Whatever he tells you to do run in the opposite direction and save your lives!

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