Hagaon HaRav Shaul Alter Arrives In America On Historic Trip [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

The Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Shaul Alter, arrived in the United States on Tuesday morning, to an ecstatic crowd of his followers who were at the airport waiting to greet him.

Upon his arrival, the Rosh Yeshiva was driven by philanthropist Reb Willy Beer to Lawrence in the Five Towns, where they Davened Shacharis, followed by a Lechayim Tish and a private breakfast with local philanthropists.

He is being hosted for the duration of his stay in the United States by Reb Meyer Melnick in Boro Park.

The Rosh Yeshiva has been to America before, and has delivered his signature brilliant Shiurim in many Yeshivas including Lakewood’s BMG. However, this trip will be different. In addition to the may Shiurim, the Rosh Yeshiva who has recently founded his own network of Mosdos Hatorah, from Yeshiva K’tana through Kollel, will be visiting many supporters and followers to solidify his Mosdos. Many properties are in the works to be purchased and developed.

The Rosh Yeshiva, who is a the son of the Pnei Menachem of Gur, will be spending the next week delivering Shiurim, and meeting with Rabbonim around the Tri-State area.

The Rosh Yeshiva – who is undisputedly from the Geomim in the world today – will be spending Shabbos in Boro Park, where a large tent is being built on a large piece of land to accommodate the massive crowd who will gather to spend Shabbos in his midst.

He will be hosted by many philanthropists over the next week, as they are all eager to assist this Gadol Batorah on building his network of Mosdos in Eretz Yisroel and the United States.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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