Levaya of Rebbetzin Miriam Dessler A”H


YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of Rebbetzin Miriam Dessler, the wife of chinuch trailblazer and longtime dean of Hebrew Academy of Cleveland Harav Nachum Velvel Dessler zt”l, and the mother-in-law of Harav Elya Brudny shlita.

Rebbetzin Dessler was niftar Friday at 100 years old following a lifelong commitment and persistence toward assisting harbotzas torah and ingraining the morals and values of yiddishkeit in countless young men and women.

Rebbetzin Dessler married Rav Nachum Velvel shortly after he began his avodas hakodesh at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, and for some 65 years, Rebbetzin Dessler was his trusted confidante and right-hand man. Together, they transformed Cleveland from a virtual desert devoid of Torah and ruchniyus into the booming frum community it is today.

She is the mother of R’ Reuven, Rabbi Eli and Rabbi Simcha. Mother in law of Rabbi Emanuel Schiff, Rabbi Elya Brudny and Rabbi Dovid Rapaport

A levaya will be held Sunday morning at 11:30 am at the Hebrew Academy’s Beatrice Stone Yavne High School, 2475 South Green Road, Beachwood, Ohio. A second levaya will be held in Lakewood at 4:30 pm at Yeshiva Be’er Hatorah, 961 East County Line Road. The levaya will continue in Eretz Yisroel at approximately 6:00 pm on Monday at Shamgar in Yerushalayim.

The kevurah will take place in the Har Hamenuchos Chelkas Harabbanim.

Yehi zichra baruch.

3 Responses

  1. She raised daughters as well and it’s important to mention. Not just the son in laws. These are all her children : Mr. Reuven Dessler, Mrs. Sarika Schiff, Rabbi Elya Brudny, Mrs. Malki Rapaport, Rabbi Eli Dessler, and Rabbi Simcha Dessler.

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