New Report Casts Doubt On 9/11 First Responder Illnesses

hatz 9111.jpgA new report released today is casting doubt on claims by workers who say they have serious health problems related to the September 11th terrorist attacks.

The New York Times says a review of medical records submitted by almost 10,000 September 11th recovery workers suing the city, found that up to 30 percent do not appear to be suffering serious illnesses.

In nearly 3,000 cases, the paper says the symptoms claimed in the lawsuits resemble those of the common cold. Other illnesses seem to have no connection to work at the site, while several hundred admitted in court documents to having no symptoms at all.

Workers have claimed the city did not provide proper breathing equipment to recovery workers, leading to a host of serious respiratory illnesses and cancers. Lawyers for the city have been conducting the review in response to a court order to sort out the seriousness of the claims.

A judge has given lawyers for the workers until the end of the month to submit more thorough records.

Lawyers for the workers say the review is largely skewed and inaccurate.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. What about the 7000+ others?
    First responders or recovery workers?
    Whose report is this anyway??-The one who is liable to pay for it?!

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