POLL: Biden’s Support Is Fading Fast

(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

President Joe Biden’s approval rating slipped deeply underwater in the CNBC All-America Economic Survey as Americans soured on his economic leadership, lost some confidence in his handling of the coronavirus, and grew increasingly concerned about inflation and supply shortages.

Just 41% of the public approve of Biden’s handling of the presidency, compared with 52% who disapprove. The poll of 800 Americans, conducted Oct. 14-17, has a margin of error of 3.5%.

Biden’s negative 11-point net rating compared with a positive 3 points in the July survey, when 48% approved and 45% disapproved.

Behind the decline is a surge in negative views of his handling of the economy, with just 40% approving and 54% disapproving, a 7-point increase from July.

A bare majority of Americans still approve his handling of the virus, but the margin narrowed considerably. Fifty percent now approve compared with 53% in July, and 45% disapprove, compared with just 38%.

The president’s numbers are declining as concerns about the economy, inflation and supply shortages rise sharply.


9 Responses

  1. Biden’s Support Is Fading Fast כן ירבה to his sinking ship fading fast, and to the speedy assured return of President Donald Trump to the Oval Office.

  2. what’s amazing and absolutely mindboggling, is that 41% still would approve a demented Alzheimer diseased treasonous Marxist blubbering old fool. who has so surrounded himself himself with America hating leftist’s and Marxist’S ,and practically they are running this country to the ground

  3. Unless he is serious about running for re-election, what difference does it make.
    The only older Head of State in the world is Queen Elizabeth, and no on really expects her to be around 2029.

  4. Can’t wait for the brilliant articulate Jen Psaki to tell us in her condescending way how Joe is uniting the country. Joe’s favorite ice cream is vanilla with colored sprinkles on top. He will not be taking any questions.

  5. Not getting involved” — Joe Biden is uniting the country. The Progressive (i.e.socialist) Democrats can stand, and neither can the “Moderate” (i.e. normal or old fashioned) Democrats. The Republicans can’t stand him (though not enough to end their intra-party feud which is why Biden got in). The Libertarians and the Greens all find much of his program to be seriously flawed. Trump never was as good at uniting the country (his based never got fed up with him). Give Joe credit for something he is doing well at.

  6. He’s done plenty of damage since his entry on January 20, 2021. His term ends on January 20, 2025. HaShem Year hem on us and Eretz Yisrael till then. If his Veep takes over,, like the signs say in Brooklyn “fuggedaboudit!”

  7. It really won’t make a difference if he is ousted early. The same people that control him will control light-weight Kamala Harris.

  8. Biden neither won this election or garnered support or ballot of truth, this Israeli looks upon Jews in America as bigger fools under Hitler, one didn’t have a chance and the other, won’t run…go figure, fools fools fools,

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