YWN EXCLUSIVE: FJCC And Sephardic Community Endorse Frontrunner Saperstein For NYC Council

Paid for By saperstein 2021.

Exclusive: YWN has learned that the highly-influential Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) and the Sephardic Community Federation (SCF), have thrown their support behind front-runner Steven Saperstein for the upcoming City Council election to replace former Councilman Chaim Deutsch.

The FJCC and Sephardic Federation represents more than 250 Shuls and Yeshivas, hundreds of Flatbush business owners and thousands of local residents and their endorsement is sought after by all candidates looking for the support of the broader Flatbush Jewish community.

Tuesday, November 2nd is election day and NYC will choose a new Mayor as well as a majority of City Council members.

Sources tell YWN, Saperstein vowed to work hand in hand with community organizations to strengthen and secure the 48th Council District and community leaders in consultation with and guidance from leading Rabbonim feel he is “the right candidate for this important job.”

The 48th CD includes the neighborhoods of Brighton Beach, Brightwater Towers, Homecrest, Luna Park, Madison, Manhattan Beach, Midwood, Sheepshead Bay, and Trump Village.

Saperstein is running as a law and order candidate and has received the coveted endorsement of the NYPD PBA, Detectives Endowment Association, Lieutenants Benevolent Association, and the Captains Endowment Association. These organizations represent all active members of the NYPD from the ranks of Officer, Detective, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Inspector, Inspector, and Deputy Chief.

With so much at stake for the community, these endorsements come at a crucial time, as early voting begins this coming Sunday October 24. The community is urged to vote.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Inna Vernikov is a candidate who will stand up to the progressive agenda. No homeless shelters! She has my vote. P.s. I saw a video of a Saperstein campaign worker tearing down Vernikov’s ads to put up Saperstein’s. Right in Avenue M! There’s a name for that and it’s not a polite one. ALSO, who hacked Vernikov’s Facebook page and got it shut down, with the claim that she was “underage”? I am totally voting for Republican Inna Vernikov on Nov. 2. I hope you do too.

  2. #1ujm he is not, doesnt keep Sabbos or kashrus, what does “traditional” mean as many frei Jews call themselves? His opponent is a frum Baalas Teshuva- Inna Vernikov who went to Nefesh Academy, he is endorsed by the UFT the teachers union who oppose help to yeshivas, he himself is a paying UFT member. FJCC previously endorsed Lew Fidler but the frum still voted for Storobin so it means nothing. Plus Rabbi Reisman DIDNT endorse him, Inna has 10 Orthodox rabbanim backing her. Why are FJCC backing him? because they are part of the Democratic party establishment and need to for funding and favors to back a UFT Democrat over a Shomer Shabbos candidate.

  3. It is sad that these organizations are making decisions to support someone on the basis of how much money they think will come their way. Instead, they should be choosing candidates that most closely reflect the community’s values.
    We all know, that at this time the Democrats, particularly in the NYC Council support policies that will only alienate us and ultimately drive us out of this city. We should all support Republicans, like Inna Vernikov who will speak up against policies that run contrary to what we believe.
    Yidden, vote your conscience! Don’t be swayed by a few dollars that will ultimately compromise out safety in this city.

  4. russianjew that is hearsay and a false rumor she joined Dov Hikind in a march, plus if Saperstein were to join her in a debate which he refuses he couldve raised that question but he refuses to debate her and secondly i looked at this twitter account and no mention of supporting Israel during the May bombarments.

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