From Lakewood To Las Vegas: Off To A Super-Charged Start

Can you feel the excitement? Yom tov is over, and Bnos branches are welcoming girls for a new year of fun with a purpose. We’re seeing unprecedented numbers and growth, with twenty new Bnos branches opening this season in locations across the U.S., from Los Angeles to Las Vegas to Lakewood. We also have branches in England and even one in Eretz Yisroel.
Bnos’ success is always thanks to our fantastic high school leaders and post-high school advisors. We don’t recruit these girls as babysitters for parents’ Shabbos afternoon naps. (Although we’re happy for parents to get a break.) Our volunteers are role models and inspirations for the younger girls, and we actively develop our leaders’ strengths and talents. We’re training tomorrow’s leaders to make an impact today.
In that spirit, we held an incredible national Leadership Training event last Wednesday night. The Bnos leaders learned about their role, their influence, and how to access a support system for their important work. Over 1000 girls joined!
Mrs. Toby Teller spoke first, inspiring the leaders to recognize their enormous zechus. With small actions such as smiles and compliments, they’re changing the lives of their Bnosers. And for themselves, true happiness comes from giving. Committing to Bnos can be hard, but it’s worth it.
Mrs. Yael Kaisman was next. She focused on hands-on leadership tips: how to stay positive, accept girls for who they are, find the compliments, and successfully run a group.
Our leaders are fired up and ready for the new season!
Would you like to volunteer for your local Bnos? Do you want to start a new branch? Email us at [email protected].

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