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Best Essential Oils to Help Stop Snoring

Are essential oils good for snoring? You may be surprised to learn the answer to that question is yes. However, trying to control snoring with essential oils won’t be the best solution for everyone.


The viability of an aromatherapy treatment can be influenced by other factors, such as smoking or obesity, that could be the real culprit that’s making you snore.

Essential oils have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Ancient cultures in Egypt, India, and China often used aromatic oils for treating a variety of physical and mental ailments.

The value of aromatic plant extracts has now been appreciated and exploited all over the world.

Using essential oils may be an age-old practice but the name “aromatherapy” is relatively new. It’s only been in use since 1937. It was invented by the French perfumer and chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé, who used it in his book about using lavender as a treatment for burns.

Research shows essential oils have value in several areas. For instance, in studies involving cancer patients, essential oil treatments worked well for reducing nausea and anxiety.

However, although many people claim essential oil treatments work well for their snoring, there is a lack of clinical evidence to support using aromatherapy oils in this way. That doesn’t mean they don’t work. It simply points out the need for further research.

Essential oils combined with a robust and clinically approved anti snoring device is arguably the most effective snoring solution.

What Are the Best Essential Oils for Snoring?

A surprisingly large number of essential oils appear to have value as treatments for snoring but a little trial and error may be required if you want to discover which ones work best for you.


Eucalyptus oil comes from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. It’s originally native to Australia but is now cultivated in many other countries of the world.

Eucalyptus oil is a popular option for many people who are suffering from nasal congestion or asthma. Its powerful aroma is very good for clearing the airways and helping you to breathe.

Not surprisingly, eucalyptus is a key ingredient in a number of popular cough sweets. It’s also one of three essential oils present in Vicks VapoRub ointment.

Due to its ability to control mucus, eucalyptus oil may be a particularly good option for people whose snoring is being aggravated by colds, flu, or allergies.

As an added bonus, bugs don’t like the smell. So, if you are also kept awake by bothersome mosquitoes, a eucalyptus oil snoring treatment may help keep them away.


If you thought peppermint was only useful for providing flavor to toothpaste and candies, you got that very wrong. People have been exploring the medicinal value of peppermint for thousands of years. 

Peppermint is effective for soothing an upset stomach. It’s also a popular natural treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). [ref]

It would be unwise to consume Peppermint essential oil. You need to inhale it instead. Although there is no evidence to support its value in this area,  many snorers say it’s a natural snoring solution that works.


Thyme is another essential oil that’s often hailed as a natural cure for snoring. People who use it for this reason often massage it into the soles of their feet before getting into bed.

Many people use thyme oil to combat congestion, open up their airways, and help them to breathe.

If it has the ability to do these things, it may explain why such a lot of snorers say thyme works so well for keeping their snoring under control.


Cedarwood is a popular essential oil that’s obtained from various parts of cedar trees. It has antiseptic capabilities that can help it clear up infections.

Cedarwood oil also reduces inflammation so it’s another essential oil that may be good for tackling snoring that’s been made worse by colds, flu, or allergies that increase mucus and swelling of the throat.


Lavender is a popular herb that’s loved the world over for its mind-calming capabilities and distinctive smell. It’s probably most commonly associated with sleep. Some people sleep with lavender flowers next to their beds or under their pillows.

Lavender has a wide range of other uses as well. Some people say it’s good for reducing snoring and, if you pair it with cedarwood oil, it’s likely to be a winning team.


Pine is another essential oil some snorers like to use before going to bed. It possesses antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that can help keep your airway open at night.

Pine is also good for reducing inflammation and has a pleasant smell that aids relaxation and helps you unwind. When it’s combined with a suitable carrier oil, such as coconut, it’s a perfect choice for a pre-sleep massage. Especially if your muscles and joints have developed aches and pains during the day.


Can lemon oil really help you to stop snoring? A lot of people claim to have used it with great success. If you try it you may find it works for you too.

If your snoring is being driven by nasal congestion, lemon oil may be a particularly good option. Try adding a little of it to a water diffuser and leave it next to your bed.


Some people dab clove oil on their teeth to take away toothache. Maybe you have tried this yourself. If so, you will know it works pretty well.

It has value as an anti-snoring aid because its aroma helps loosen the phlegm if it begins sticking to the back of your throat during the night.


Fennel oil comes from the roots of a perennial herb. Extracts of the plant are often used in detox supplements and for treating digestive disorders.

The aroma of fennel oil has anti-inflammatory capabilities that can soothe irritation in the nasal passages. When nose breathing is made impossible by inflammation or congestion, fennel is one of the essential oils that can often put things right.


Sage oil is another popular option among people who want to use aromatherapy treatments for snoring. 

Oil of “the master herb”, as sage is often called, has a surprisingly large number of medicinal uses.

When inhaled before sleep, the soothing effect of sage oil can be good for lifting negative moods. The oil’s ability to ease snoring is probably attributable to its natural anti-bacterial action that helps ease respiration and tackle infections of the nose and throat.


Citronella can help reduce snoring due to alcohol but a better option is to avoid drinking alcohol before going to sleep.

Medicinal elements in the oil and its vapor appear to help the body metabolize alcohol a little faster. Citronella also helps detox the body of toxins via urine and sweat.[ref]


Marjoram is another essential oil that can break up mucus, aid nasal breathing, and help you to snore less at night, making it another solid option to consider.


Valerian is a plant that boasts powerful sedative effects. It’s often used in supplements that aim to support restful sleep.

Valerian oil is unlikely to directly influence snoring, but its ability to support sleep makes it a good partner for other essential oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus.

If the other oils reduce snoring but fail to stop it entirely, valerian can prevent the sound of your light snoring from causing you to wake up.

What Are the Best Ways to Use Essential Oils for Snoring?

There are several ways you can use essential oils to treat snoring.

⦁ Add the oils to a humidifier/diffuser

⦁ Put a few drops in your bath water

⦁ Combine with a good carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil, and massage the mixture into the skin.

Although it’s dangerous to consume certain essential oils, others can work well if you mix them with warm water and then gargle your throat.

Aromatherapy Safety Precautions


If you are going to apply essential oils to the skin, it’s important to dilute them first with carrier oils. This will prevent irritation of the skin.

Olive oil is a good option but it’s not the only option. Coconut, almond, and various other types of nut oil can work equally well. They are also less likely to leave a greasy residue on the skin.

The ratio recommendations can vary, depending on who you talk to, but if you add 5-6 drops of essential oil to an ounce of carrier oil, it should be about right.

The bottles essential oils come in have safety warnings and recommendations on the label. There’s a reason for this, so make a point of reading the labels to find out the things you should and shouldn’t do.

If you are applying essential oils to the face, as some people do, be careful to avoid placing the oils too close to the eyes and mouth.

It’s also important to be aware that certain essential oils are toxic so never swallow them. If you have any doubts about the best way to use essential oils to safely treat snoring, don’t be afraid to ask a doctor or aromatherapist for expert advice.[ref]

If you believe your snoring may be due to sleep apnea, or another medical condition, it’s also important to seek medical advice. There is little wisdom in trying to mask one of the symptoms (snoring) when you should be trying to manage the underlying cause.

Getting the Best Results from Essential Oils

Sometimes combining two or more essential oils is the best way to get snoring under control. One way to find out which combinations work best is to experiment with your own aromatic cocktails. Another option is to ask an experienced aromatherapist for advice.

Using essential oils alongside other snoring remedies is another good way to ensure you and your partner get a good night’s sleep. Just because you are doing one thing does not mean you cannot do another as well.

For instance, if you regularly snore due to nasal congestion you could add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water of a room humidifier and then leave it running next to your bed. Then, to help cover all the bases, you could use nasal strips or internal dilators to help open up your nostrils as well.

In reality, your personal requirements will depend on various different factors, such as body weight and any allergies you may have. A good essential oil treatment may work well on its own.

If it does not, there is no reason why you should not tackle your snoring in additional ways as well. In the end, it’s the results that are important, not the way they are achieved.

Essential Oils for Snoring – The Bottom Line

Taking advantage of the medicinal properties of essential oils is one way to control snoring. Although researchers still appear to be playing catch-up, many people who snore find essential oil treatments to help them to control the problem and get better quality sleep.

There are several ways to use essential oils to manage snoring. If you want to take a no-fuss approach to do this, using the oils in a humidifier/diffuser is probably the easiest way to go. 

If you generally take a bath shortly before going to bed, adding the oils to your bathwater is going to be an easy option too.

However, if the idea of an aromatherapy massage is more appealing, the need to mix the essential oil(s) of your choice to a carrier oil will involve a little bit more work. However, because the aroma is more likely to linger on the skin, the effects will be longer-lasting. 

People have been using essential oils for a long time, so don’t let the lack of research put you off. A lot of people find aromatherapy treatments work well for them.

What works for one person can work for other people as well. Maybe you will be one of them. If so, that’s all well and good. If not, there are plenty of other routes you can take, but it’s well worth considering essential oils for snoring as one of the first and the least expensive picks.

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