Flatbush: Levaya of Reb Chaim Yaakov Fortgang Z”L, Pillar of Khal Sasreigin And Baal Chesed

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Chaim Yaakov Fortgang Z”L, a well-respected philanthropist and Baal Chesed in Flatbush.

The Niftar was one of the puillars of the Sasreigin Shul for decades. he delivered a Shiur for many years for balabatim at the Shul.

In addition to being a Baal Chesed and Baal Tzedaka, the Niftar was a well-known bankruptcy attorney.

The Levaya will take place Tuesday today (Tuesday) at New Montefiore Cemetery at 11:00AM, 1180 Wellwood Avenue, West Babylon.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

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