IMPORTANT Notice Regarding Monoclonal Antibody Treatment For COVID Over Shabbos & Yom Tov

Monoclonal antibodies have been proven to drastically reduce severe illness, hospitalization and death. To determine if you need treatment over Shabbos or Yom Tov, please review the following and call our 24/7 hotline at 828-4-Plasma.

If you are COVID positive or have symptoms consistent with COVID and are a member of any of the high-risk groups listed below, whether you have been vaccinated or not, please call our hotline 828-4-PLASMA even on Shabbos and Yom Tov with a shinui.

Over 65
Overweight (BMI 25+)
Asthma/Chronic Respiratory Condition
Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
Immunosuppressive Treatment
Kidney Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Other Medical Conditions/ High Risk

24/7 hotline: 828-4-Plasma (828-475-2762)

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