IS A SHTREIMEL NEXT? DeBlasio Has Turban Tied On Head To Show Solidarity With Sikh Community [SEE THE PHOTOS]

Mayor Bill de Blasio had a turban tied for solidarity on Sunday.

“It is an honor because we are here today sending a message that the city – this country and this world – needs this message that we are all together. A message of respect. A message of inclusion. The Sikh community has contributed profoundly to New York City.

I want to make it very clear New York City is a better place because of this community. We need this community; we cherish this community. And yet, in a world where there’s so much misunderstanding. And too many biases and prejudices, we have to fight every day, every one of us to remind people of these great contributions to remind people, the value of this community and why all of us need to stand shoulder to shoulder,” de Blasio said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Definitely no shtreimlach for His Honor the Mayor. He would lose the PETA vote should he decide to run for governor.
    P.S. He does look a lot better in a turban than Michael Dukakis did with his head sticking out of a tank with a military helmet on backwards

  2. I am speechless.
    I just want to clarify that those of the Sikh religion are not our enemies and are not considered Moslems.

  3. Putting on an ethnic head covering is an wide-spread cheap political trick that all politicians use to pander to ethnic prejudices. I find it insulting, whether it’s Chicago-born Hillary putting on a Yankees hat, or the parade of panderers putting on kippahs, or kilts, or anything else. It is a silly way of reaching silly voters.

    To anonymous: Do all people in turbans look idiotic? You did not make that clear.

  4. “I just want to clarify that those of the Sikh religion are not our enemies and are not considered Moslems”
    Shloime: Agree with your point on Sikhs but also would suggest that not all 2 billion Muslims (25 percent of the World’s population) are not our enemies either

  5. Gadolhadorah commenter, do you sheb naches that at least 5% or 10% of the two billion i.e. one hundred, or two hundred million only are our enemies? Just asking if we should be consoled.

  6. Evidently the Sikh leaders who put the turban on him did not find it insulting, and surely their opinion is what matters.

    The Sikhs are definitely not our enemies. Their religion is the closest one that exists to Orthodox Judaism; a lot closer than either “Conservative Judaism” or “Reform Judaism”.

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