Denver police on Thursday announced the arrest of four young men after a crime spree on Tuesday in which one person was hurt and Shmuel Silverberg was killed. A fifth suspect remains at large.

The suspects were arrested on Wednesday night. They are all 21 or younger. They were identified as:

Seth James Larhode, 21, Isaiah James Freeman, 18, Aden Sides, 18, and Noah Loepp-Hall, 19, are all in custody facing multiple charges, including murder, burglary, aggravated robbery, aggravated motor vehicle theft, menacing and assault.

Police insist that this was not a bias crime, despite that the shooters clearly stopped their car while driving down he street and singled out a Yeshiva Bochur wearing a Yarmulka, and forced their way into a Yeshiva with Hebrew words on the outside.

Police reports have been sealed and details about what each is accused of doing have not been released.

Meanwhile, Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen continues to say that the shooting occurred outside the Yeshiva.

Silverberg was shot just outside the school and ran back inside the building, Pazen said, with the suspects following him before fleeing, Pazen said.

Multiple eyewitness continue to state that this is not the case. Police failed to publicize that the principal was shot at first and failed to release the details in how Shmuli was murdered by this pack of ruthless marauding animals.

Why this is not being released is a question many are asking.

13 Responses

  1. What difference does it make if it was a bias crime or not? Hashem is sending klalyisroel klaps after klaps, and instead of having glaring headlines , Klal Yisroel needs to wake up and do teshuvah, YWN is busy with why the FBI is not involved.

  2. The Denver PD obviously didn’t mention the race of these monsters because each one has a “jewish” sounding name. Isaiah, Seth, Noah and Aden (sounds a little jewish) They ae probably scared of the anti-semitisim it will cause.

  3. Meanwhile, Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen continues to say that the shooting occurred outside the Yeshiva.

    Silverberg was shot just outside the school and ran back inside the building, Pazen said, with the suspects following him before fleeing, Pazen said.

    That is what occurred. He was shot at outside the building, and ran into the building and was shot again. That is correct, and there are pictures of the bullet holes in the doors to corroborate that.

  4. I know details of the case and no it was not a biased attack. There is a reason the police are holding back certain information. Once all the details come out everything will be understood.

  5. now that their names tells us something about the perps, I would like to know if they recently converted to islam in jail or otherwise. The cops would deny it of course, but could infer from other details such as uh beards etc.

  6. Just the thing is that is not what happened. I have a relative in the yeshiva who eye witnessed it and told me what happened. Silverberg Z”L was right inside yeshiva when he was shot. And they tried shooting at the menahel, R Siedenfeld who was inside before they shot Silverberg Z”L.

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