Urgent Public Service Announcement From Chaveirim United

The following important message was sent to YWN with a request to publish:

20 years ago, an unlikely dream became an undeniable reality. Through tireless collective efforts, constant siyatta dishmaya, and the absolute support of our respective communities, Chaveirim morphed into the established network that you are familiar with today.

Chaveirim was founded with nothing but hopeful idealism, loving-kindness and a sincere drive for chesed. We persevered, we rallied and we built this organization from the ground up.

Like Rome, trust, reputation and experience were not built in a day. The name Chaveirim has Baruch Hashem earned respect and distinction backed up by two decades of honesty, competence and dependability. The standard of training and equipment that our members receive are second to none.

For this reason, we feel it important to inform the public of a potential misrepresentation. A WhatsApp group of individuals who call themselves ‘Chavivim’ has unfortunately been causing some deliberate confusion and unease to you the caller in recent months.

Because they seem to be doing exactly the kind of work that we do, we want to make it clear that we are in no way affiliated or responsible for any damage, mishaps or activities by this group comprised mostly of rejected applicants of various local Chaveirims.

We want to thank our communities for their continued support, trust and contribution. As always Chaveirim strives to continue maintaining the level of professionalism and propriety that has come to be expected of us.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. I think we’re past that stage where one org is in charge of all. If one group feels that some applicants wouldn’t work out for them, yet there is another group that’s willing to make it happen, אשריהם. No one should dictated others what and how to run their org. It may have worked in the past but thank God, no longer.

  2. 1. More people will now become familiar with the competitor than if this PSA never occurred.

    2. It is unseemly to disparage the competition.

    3. How is this any different than Shomrim vs Shmira or CSE vs Misaskim?

  3. To ujm
    I was about to write exactly what you wrote. No one should have a monopoly for doing chesed. I would understand their complaint if the competition was hurting their business. As far as I know all these organizations are volunteer what are they complaining about, that someone else wants to help out.
    By the way I was helped many times by chavriem and now I have a close relative in Chavivim both do a great job.

  4. The complaint is really quite valid. It is that Chavivim have chosen a name so similar to Chaverim that it is likely to cause confusion. It may matter little or not at all when it comes to doing the chessed of changing a tire but when you mount a large fundraising campaign using a name that is virtually identical, it smells of geneivas daas.

  5. To Jerusalem Observer as I wrote in another comment I have a close relative who is a member of Chavivim. In the few years of their operation I never heard of this complaint. I don’t think the names Chavivim and chavarim are any more confusing then Shomrim or Shmira

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