“Delta Variant Is As Contagious As Chicken Pox,” CDC Says

New evidence showing the delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox and may be more dangerous than other versions has prompted U.S. health officials to consider changing advice on how the nation fights the coronavirus, internal documents show.

Recommending masks for everyone and requiring vaccines for doctors and other health workers are among measures the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is considering, according to internal documents obtained by the Washington Post.

The documents appear to be talking points for CDC staff to use in explaining the dangers of the delta variant and “breakthrough″ infections that can occur after vaccination. Noted under communications: “Acknowledge the war has changed.”

In recommending that vaccinated people resume wearing masks indoors in virus hot spots, the CDC this week said that new evidence shows that breakthrough infections may be as transmissible as those in unvaccinated people. They cited a large recent outbreak among vaccinated individuals in the Cape Cod town of Provincetown, Massachusetts, among others, for the change.

As the documents note, COVID-19 vaccines are still highly effective at preventing serious illness and death. The CDC has always expected some breakthrough infections but has struggled with how to explain them to the public.

The documents point out that the delta variant, first detected in India, causes infections that are more contagious than the common cold, flu, smallpox and Ebola virus, and is as infectious as highly contagious chickenpox.

The internal documents also cite studies from Canada, Singapore and Scotland showing that the delta variant may pose a greater risk for hospitalization, intensive care treatment and death than the alpha variant, first detected in the United Kingdom.

Since January, people who got infected after vaccination make up an increasing portion of hospitalizations and in-hospital deaths among COVID-19 patients, according to the documents. That trend coincides with the spread of the delta variant.

But the CDC emphasizes that breakthrough infections are still uncommon.


6 Responses

  1. I’m DONE with wearing a mask! I don’t care how dangerous any new variant is! This is all a hoax from the left-wing and the media!!

  2. “Since January, people who got infected after vaccination make up an increasing portion of hospitalizations and in-hospital deaths among COVID-19 patients, according to the documents. That trend coincides with the spread of the delta variant”

    No no no! Big lie! No one gets Covid after being vaccinated! Impossible. That’s a big lie put out by the conspiratorial anti vaxxers. Oh, wait a minute….
    Sheeple will be sheeple.

  3. Made up garbage there is no such thing as delta, go into any testing facility and ask if they can test you for the delta variant they will tell you they cant its all made up dont fall for it these evil people will have a big downfall

  4. This information is inconsistent with the data shown on “Worldmeters dot info”. There the data shows that while cases of Delta are going up, non-the-less, deaths remain low both in America and Israel. Although mainstream media enjoys fear mongering the public about the contagiousness of the Delta version, they constantly avoid the low death rate other than hypothesizing that the vaccine is preventing a higher death rate. However, they avoid mentioning what the death rate is among non-vaccinated people. Assumingly, based on their narrative about vaccinated vs non-vaccinated people, there should be a high rate of non-vaccinated people becoming seriously ill and dying from the Delta variant. However, it does not appear at this time to be factually the case. My personal belief (based on the data available) is that while the Delta version is more contagious, non-the-less, it is less dangerous than the original virus strain of 2020.
    Is anyone calling them out on this?
    (BTW – before any accusations against me, note that I am fully vaccinated. I am not an anti-vaxxer.)

  5. Being a certified geezer, I can remember how whenever there were chickenpox epidemics, they closed down the schools, closed down the economy and put everyone on welfare. Of course, if they had let schools stay open a generation of children would have been wiped out, and if they didn’t close everything down the world would have been depopulated. Indeed, chickenpox is an excellent model for dealing with Covid-19.

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