Monsey Community Fuming After Police Officer Acts Insensitivity To Arrested Jewish Couple

arrest.jpgThe Monsey Jewish community is up in arms on Friday, after a troubling incident involving the Ramapo Police Department. Although many different rumors are being spread around, YWN has gathered the following credible information:

Some-time on Thursday evening, a husband and wife were arrested in an ongoing investigation involving some type of government program, and brought to the Ramapo police station.

Upon their arrival, the husband and wife were separated – and they were taken for questioning. The couple claims that after being separated, the woman was told to have her Shaitel (wig) removed for a photo, and the husband was told to remove his Yarmulke (skull-cap). Additionally, the woman alleges that being that she is a strictly Orthodox person, she repeatedly requested that a female officer be brought to handle her – and her request was denied.

As word of this incident spread today, so did many untrue rumors. There were threats of demonstrations today and Sunday – which have so far been cancelled.

As of this time (3:15PM EST), the following is true:

*Ramapo Police Chief Pete Brower has apologized for the behavior of the officer in question, and the video tapes of the incident are currently being reviewed by police personnel.

*Ramapo Police Liaisons have already met with Chief Brower, and another meeting will be taking place shortly.

*Numerous local Rabbonim have already met with local Askonim, and community liaisons to see what should be done to ensure that this type of behavior is not repeated once again.

*Rabbonim have met with the Mayor of New Square.

*The Town of Ramapo Supervisor Christopher P. St. Lawrence has apologized in the following statement released to the media:

Recently, as Supervisor of the Town of Ramapo, I was made aware of an arrest of two members of the New Square community.  It is my understanding that troubling questions have been raised as to the propriety of the behavior of the Police officer involved during the processing of the individuals following arrest.

It has always been my position, as Supervisor of the Town of Ramapo and as Chairman of the Ramapo Police Commission, to respect the religious and cultural beliefs of all our citizens.  Therefore, I will not tolerate any inappropriate or insensitive behavior by any member of the police department and am prepared to take whatever action is necessary to address any complaint that may be made about this situation.

While this matter is being reviewed, I have directed that we re-double our efforts in the area of Community Policing.  I have charged Deputy Chief of Police James Quinn, with the task of reviewing our Community Policing program and immediately implementing additional programs in the area of sensitivity training, including individual training for all Ramapo Police officers.  I believe that this will foster a greater understanding by our Police force of the religious and cultural beliefs of our citizens throughout the Town of Ramapo.   I invite members of the Town of Ramapo to contact me should they have any suggestions or concerns about this matter.

I sincerely hope that the community will accept my heartfelt apologies for the insensitive behavior that occurred.

I will work diligently to ensure that our Police force will understand the concerns of the community so that this will never be repeated in the Town of Ramapo.

In addition, I am convening a special meeting of the Ramapo Police Commission on Monday June 23rd, to deal directly with the Police officer in this instance.

Christopher P. St. Lawrence

YWN will post all additional updates at

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

20 Responses

  1. B”H we live in a country which actually cares about jewish feelings (or maybe it is just votes).
    IH”Y this should be the worst thing to complain about.

  2. “…..Numerous local Rabbonim have already met with local Askonim, and community liaisons to see what should be done to ensure that this type of behavior is not repeated once again….”

    what behavior? the stealing of government money?

  3. smr,

    What “stealing of government money”? Who in the episode above stole government money?

    YOU are condemning your fellow Jewish brother? YOU are condemning a Yid? YOU are convicting him?

    You don’t even know what the arrest was for. There has not been any charges. There certainly has not been any convictions. And yet YOU, supposedly a Yid, are already condemning them.

    Get off your high horse and submit yourself to humility and teshuva.

  4. Well to top it all together the police who did this should probably feel embaresed. I hope the couple gets released soon. This incident was also mentioned on 1010wins.

  5. #2 Maybe you should be dan likaf zichus!
    Maybe they really didnt do anything wrong and were arrested on false charges

  6. You should all go to the Journal News and see the way people who read The Journal News are talking. This is a big Chillul Hashem with no excuses allowed. Theses are the same people who always walk around slapping the cops on the backs so they can get their parking and speeding tickets thrown out. Give me a break and stop the building already.

  7. The story was on all major news radio and TV newscasts.The charges were clear and it is a chillul Hashem. The fact that a sheitlel should be taken off for a police mug is much ado about nothing while the charges are more serious. Stealing from the government wouldnot have even made it to the news if they hadn’t blown this shaitel story out of prportion..The chassidic world should get their priorities straight. Fix your bein odom lachaveiro first and then scream about bein odom laMokom wrongdoing.

  8. the woman was charged with a felony count of welfare fraud; she was arraigned in ramapo court on the charge and released. she was one of several dozens charged across the county.
    The officer didn’t violate any laws or department regulations.

  9. Gd bless America! Now think back, do you think this paath of action would ever have been taken in Poland, France, Checkoslovakia or even in today’s Austria??
    Never. Only in this great country can we see this kind of response!
    I am proud to be a Jewish man in America!

  10. The police are sheluche Drachmanah the are doing H shlichus, dosent it say if u do a C.H. btzineh H is mgaleh it brabim. Crooks amongst “frume yidden” who ever heard such a thing?????????? Her Civil rights???????what about the states rights to aprehend crooks??????????????????? We should make a demonstration against such chilul Hashennickes,eradicate then from the real AM Hashem.

  11. When reporting please make sure you have your facts right. The couple is from Monsey, Ny and not New Square.

    Moderators Note: YWN never reported that they were from New Square. Kindly read the article. Perhaps you are referring to the SUPERVISORS statement which claims that they were from New Square……..

  12. #8. an overwhelming number of the journal news bloggers are pure anti-semites.

    I have seen stories that have either nothing to di with Yidden turn into hate filled, venomous diatribes against Yidden.

    a few months ago a bas mitzvah girl make packages to send to soldiers in iraq – the hate filled posts of this sweet and caring event were beyond the pale.

  13. I’m a frum woman who covers her hair 24/7, this woman gets no sympathy from me. If she had no problem stealing money from the hardworking/taxpaying people like myself, then she deserves no sympathy. Why is taking a wig off a bigger aveira than stealing? She is shooting herself in the foot by making a big deal out of this…..

  14. Hey proud of KAJ, get YOUR priorities straight. This is a false accusation. And like everyone above pointed out, its ONLY an accusation, no conviction. AND its not a chasidishe couple. So why don’t you drop your self-hate of your fellow Jews (Chasidim.) Last time yweditor DELETED your comment because of your anti-fellow Jews comments.

  15. I haven’t heard this story and I don’t know if the claims are true or not. But it seems to me that a mugshot is less valuable to the police if the person has artificial hair on top of their head in the picture that can easily be replaced. Similarly, I could understand if they made a man take off his toupee, thereby potentially embarrassing him tremendously beyond the mere arrest. I can definitely understand why they want a clear picture of the entire face.

  16. Ephraim and proud of KAJ, your hate for all chasidim based on the ALLEGED action of two of them is sick. Reread your own posts just switching the word chassidim with the word jews (or in ephraim’s case, make believe “these people” refers to ALL jews, not just chassidim), and they would look like they were written by top notch anti-semites.

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