YWN Daily Halacha Now Covering Halachos Of Summer

hs1.jpgRabbi Moshe Dovid Lebovits who writes the Daily Halacha for YWN, has now started writing practical Halachos for the summer months. Make sure to click HERE to visit the Daily Halacha feature – and join the thousands of people who read it each day.

Additionally, after much hard work, Rabbi Lebovits has Boruch Hashem been Zoche to publish his first Sefer (in English), titled “Halachically Speaking” Volume 1 – which is available in your neighborhood Seforim store.

Click HERE to see some sample topics included in his first Sefer.

YWN would like to publicly wish Rabbi Lebovits much Hatzlocha with his new Sefer, and may he be Zoiche to publish many other Seforim.

The Sefer can be purchased by clicking HERE (and be redirected to the “Israel Book Shop” website)

2 Responses

  1. B”H

    Wow! A great service!!! So many of us are travelling to places without an eruv, and it is so nice to be reminded of things–like no dark glasses–when we are in these situations.

    A great service. Practical Halacha is always good to learn!

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