How to Avoid Burnout

No matter how much you love your job or how good you are at it, anyone and everyone can experience burnout. This can be due to external stressors in your personal life or maybe new stress, whether good or bad, happening at work. Regardless of what causes it, it can happen to anyone at any time. Luckily, it’s not something that will last forever and can go away as quickly as it comes. However, if you feel that maybe you might be suffering from it or feel it creeping in on you, we’re here to help you nip that in the bud so you can get back to your life.

Check out the following ways you can avoid burnout from affecting your day-to-day life. 

Focusing Better

One thing that may be causing your burnout is your focus. With the hustle and bustle of your day, it may be hard to concentrate and you feel yourself getting overwhelmed. One way to solve this is to retrain yourself on how to focus better. It is easier than it sounds and can be done successfully in incorporating the following into your diet:

  • Curcumin – this chemical found in turmeric can reduce discomfort and swelling, especially in the brain 

  • Sage – the chemical properties from this plant can boost mood, alertness, attention, and memory

  • Ginseng – This herb is full of performance and energy-boosting properties to help you feel better throughout the day

When it comes to focusing, using herbs and natural supplements can easily improve your mood and give you the energy you need to power through your day. Simply incorporate these through teas, pills, or oil additives. However you decide to ingest them, using these frequently will improve your mood and energy, which will allow you to focus better. 

Treats to Help You Treat Burnout

Stress and anxiety are one of the many causes of burnout, especially if your stress and anxiety are left untreated. Rather than look directly into medication, try out de-stress gummies instead. Not only are these yummy treats that you can pop into your mouth at any time, but they can naturally help you treat your stress and anxiety throughout the day. So next time you feel your stress and anxiety trying to get the better of you, take a de-stress gummy instead and let that anxiety melt away. 

Try Aromatherapy 

Speaking of stress, another way to fight off that and anxiety is with the use of essential oils. Whether you decide to apply it to your wrist or behind your ears to get whiffs of calming scents throughout the day or to add it to your favorite essential oil diffuser, using essential oils frequently can help improve your overall wellbeing. Next time you feel that sense of burnout coming on, add some essential oils to the inside of your wrists or a few drops in a diffuser, and you will instantly feel a sense of calmness and relief. 

Improve Circulation

One thing you may no realize is causing your burnout is poor circulation. Poor circulation restricts your blood flow, which can lead to discomfort and low energy. If you spend a lot of time on your feet, this can be especially true for you. Instead, try looking into compression socks to improve poor circulation. Compression socks support healthy blood flow, which means you are getting more nutrients in your body with better blood flow. This can also help with heaviness, tingly, and aching feeling in your feet. Next time you’re looking to combat burnout, check with your feet first. They may have all the answers you need. 

Indulge in Some Spirits to Lift Yours

A glass of wine can do wonders for you, especially when it comes to burnout. Taking the edge off with some quality wine like Bev wine can turn things around for you when you’re feeling unmotivated. Sipping on some dry fizzy wine is a nice and refreshing way to end your day so you can start the next more motivated than ever. Be sure to drink responsibly but enjoy the indulgence when you need it. 

Try Working Out to Work Out Stress

Working out is one of the best and most healthy ways to release endorphins, which is the chemical that makes you happy. Working out regularly can beat away those feelings of burnout. If you are interested in creating a workout routine for yourself, consider starting with some resistance training like a Gorilla Bow. A Gorilla Bow is great for anywhere, regardless of the workout abilities. It is not only portable but extremely easy to use, which means you can take it and use it anywhere to get you feeling better and back on track. 

Create a Calming Space

If creating a more calming vibe is what you are after, consider creating a calming space with candles with crystals. Using crystals and candles can help you relax, find clarity, and sleep better. You can either dedicate a personal space in your home or at your work and set up your candles and crystals there. Creating this space will make you feel like you’ve walked into a spa and the feelings of restoration will be immediate. Use your crystals and candles daily to ward off those evil feelings of burnout. 

Give Into a #TreatYourself Day 

Sometimes just curling up with your favorite weighted Luna Blanket and having a night or weekend in can be just the thing to cure your burnout. With a quality weighted blanket, regular use can help you de-stress and relax more than ever. Using a weighted blanket can also help you get a great night’s rest so you can feel more rested the next day and can concur with whatever the day throws out of you, especially burnout. 

Spend Time with Friends and Family

If you tend to throw yourself into your work and hardly make time for friends and family, this could be the main cause of your burnout. Sometimes just spending quality time with your loved ones can make a difference in how you feel and give you the much-needed energy to overcome your burnout. Try taking a weekend to visit with some old friends or to visit some family you miss and haven’t seen in a while. Doing so will ensure you’re getting your mind off of things causing you stress and anxiety and allowing you to live in the moment. 

Avoiding Burnout Can Be Done 

Burnout happens and that is just a fact of life. It doesn’t have to be one thing to cause it and can sometimes be multiple underlying causes. Once you experience burnout, that doesn’t mean you will experience it forever. It is easy to overcome but with our guide, you’ll have all the tools you need to avoid it altogether.

To review, be sure you look into the following to keep those feelings of burnout at bay:

  • Focus better by incorporating natural herbs into your diet

  • Try de-stressing by eating de-stressing gummies, aromatherapy, working out, or even creating a space full of restoring candles and crystals

  • Look into other unassuming areas causing you burnout like poor circulation

  • Sometimes a glass of wine can take the edge off of your day

  • Weighted blankets are great ways to instantly relieve yourself of stress and anxiety 

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