Mayor Mike: Stop Calling Obama Muslim

bloomberg 21.jpgAccording to an Associated Press report, Mayor Bloomberg is urging Jewish voters to denounce the online whisper campaign that for months has pushed the false rumor that Democrat Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim.

Bloomberg is speaking to members of a Jewish group in Boca Raton, Fla. He’s warning them that the attempt to portray Obama as a shadowy Muslim with a hidden agenda often targets Jewish voters online and with e-mails.

The mayor says the deceptive campaign against Obama, who is a Christian, threatens to undo the strides that Jews and Muslims have made together.

Bloomy has not officially endorsed anyone for president yet…….

Anyone smell an endorsement here?

(Ari Green – YWN)

24 Responses

  1. Obamas “Christian church” has BIG TIME TIES with the nation of islam and the rasha Farikon!I think that Obama is a Muslim,and Mike dont tell me how to think!!! Food for thought where is all of Obamas unlimited amount of $$ come from??

  2. not really,

    he’s right … Obama might have shadowy motives, but they are not Islam based. Also, why is someone who is attempting to clarify a falsehood now percieved as a full out backer of him?

    Maybe, Ari, you should stick to reporting news, and insert your own opinions in the comments forum just like everyone else?

  3. If Bloomberg is positioning himself for any spot in an Obama presidency r”l I have five words for him:

    Shame on you Mr. Mayor.

    Each day that passes I am more revolted of Mr. Obama and his campaign.

    Barack H Obama is an elitist that doesn’t know the amount of States in this great country.

    I wonder does anyone know that Obama recently said:

    “It’s wonderful to be back in Oregon. Over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states with one left to go.”

    Could you imagine if McCain uttered those words. “I’ve now been in 57 States” The media would go ballistic oy he’s senile etc.

    As a Yid,(poshut or not) I must say that Obama is properly suspect in regard to all his views whether he is Muslim or Christian I do not care.
    He is a leftist to LEFT of Ted Kennedy.

    Mr. Bloomberg is farmishing the yotzros. Forgetting about the fact that Barack Hussein Obama may have muslim heritage, that does not bother me as much as–

    Do we want a President that Hamas; Iran; Syria; Hezboillah are rooting for?

    Does Mr. Bloomberg the “republican” have no self respect?

    I guess one will say or do anything for the benkel.


  4. #2: what’s wrong with being muslim you ask? are you serious? who’s behind all our terror attacks? i dont know obama and he might be an ok guy, but just for the fact that he’s an arab, we should not vote for him. It’s a big shame to the USA if we appoint OBAMA=ARAB as president. Especially after September 11. Imagine the victory for these muslims if he wins. Doesnt matter if he’s christian now. Born a muslim, always a muslim. How can you trust him? How do you know that this is not part of a plan for a future terror attack Chas VSholom. Doesnt sound very safe to me….

  5. Obama is a fine candidate and so is McCain.

    Obama is not a Muslim, end of story.

    Even if he was-(note: IF) then it wouldn’t
    matter because he obviously not practicing.

    If people here don’t realize that there are Extremist and Non-Extremist in the Muslim religion,
    you need to go out more and see for yourself.

  6. To #9 NYphotoGrapher,

    It seems to me that you have fallen into the political correctness craze aka. Evil thinking, until the point where you may end up becoming a Miracheim al ho Achzor.

    Perhaps your job requires u to be Choneif the politicians.

  7. I just can’t understand this!! out of this entire country of millions of people, how a black muslim could get elected to represent us, is way beyond me!!

  8. “threatens to undo the strides that Jews and Muslims have made together” hmm, I don’t know of any strides that that they have made.

  9. Let us remind rebshalom of his own words (afterall its already 24 hours since he said it):

    Do you ever have something nice to say about someone?

    Comment by rebshalom — June 19, 2008 @ 6:48 am

  10. #7 – I’m sure he meant to say 47. He is not allowed by his campaign to go to Alaska or Hawaii, so that leaves 48 (not counting DC, Puerto Rico, other US territories such as the VI, Guam or Israel). As he said, he got all but one (48 – 47 = 1).

    It’s a simple slip which is why no one is making a big deal about it.

  11. Perhaps you should read Rabbi Shafran’s article (above) on the presumption if innocence (not that being muslim is a crime). Perhaps we should have some anti-semitic remarks from the whisper campaign – would you approve?

  12. I poshut don’t chap why would someone rather an oived avodah zara christian over a muslim which the rambam says muslims believe in hashem the same as we (hopefully)do?

  13. A point to consider; The most Salafi in Islam, might take Obama’s rejection as proof that, America is being lead by the worst type of Muslim a Kufir, someone who rejected what he was born into. (Islam is patrilineal) A great recruitment tool

  14. to mean to say that about farrakan, sharpton, rev wrong, i mean whrite etc, etc..#11’s (myopinion) statement .. is not because he is black muslim but what they represent, they preach hate, hate, hate, so please come out of your hole mr ostrich… everything surrounding obama is dangerous his preacher, campaighn workers had pictures of that super communist che guevera, his wifes views about this country.. and on and on. we have associated “black muslems” with hate all the years..malcolm X, ferrakan y’mshvz (gutter religion). its frieghtening that a person whos wife hates this great nation even came so far…who knows, we’ve had nations voted out of thier democracy (EG: germany and more)a

  15. to #13 say “i dont know of any strides ..” they made together” we say plenty ..the muslims blow apart innocent citizens , and the jews give back then the muslims blow up more innocent men, mothers baybies and the jews give back more and on…(not to mention what they do to other infidels, chop heads, tear apart and hang from lamposts..)..but we dont have to fret its only small only about 10% ,about 2 million so you can sleep peacefully …

  16. muchcommonsense (#8), I don’t know how to break this to you, but Obama is not an Arab. His father comes from Kenya, which is in Africa.

    There are many reasons not to vote for Obama, especially his hard left positions on almost every issue, his lack of experience, and the fact that he doesn’t have the same feeling about Israel as even Clinton had. However, he’s not a Muslim.

    When you’re in the voting booth in November, just remember that this is the candidate who claims that the “Palestineans are an oppressed people”.

  17. Don’t vote for obama because he is a empty suit not because he is muslim his lack of experiance is dangerous in these times vote mccain because he cares about the country and you jews war and #1 give money to the poor ok he does not need your money or is it that you wannna be like all those loser jews with lights and sirens and goverment connections what a loser

  18. I wouldn’t vote for husseini obama because he’s a balloon filled with hot air – has nothing to offer except for empty words & chants

  19. to #23..the problem is, the self hating jews who go out of their way to show they are not trying to be jews (aka. liberals, who usually dont believe in anything jewish just to give for aclu , maybe jewish federation, UJA…)you know,just a jewish heart , what ever that means..they support everything anti torah(toiava marriage,fight aginst eurives, menorah displays etc. ,but they have no connection to the enternal torah truths…gentiles usually defend these issues, even to put up eirive but the reform clergy, whaterver that means, they are the ones who put on a fight..

  20. hey lets call it as it is!

    obama is an ex-muslim. a fact he falsely denies. he was registered in school as a muslim. his dad was a muslim. and muslim law goes by paternity, so by muslim law he weill always be a muslim. muslim law is, born a muslim, die a muslim.

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