Are These Ingredients Safe for Dogs?

Pot Watcher

If your best friend is, well, “man’s best friend,” then you know better than anyone just how important our dogs are in our lives. They become our closest confidants, our adventure buddies, and true members of the family. Put simply, we love our dogs.

And if you’re a dog parent, you want to do everything you can to show your dog the same love that they show you. You want to protect them and keep them happy and healthy. But with all of the conflicting information out there on the internet, it’s hard to know what ingredients are safe for your furry friend to eat.

We know how important what we eat is, so it only follows that it’s just as important what our pups eat, too. That’s why so many of us seek out all-natural, healthy foods to feed our dogs. But if you want to go that extra mile and check the ingredients list. 

If you’re a caring pet parent and need to know more about just what exactly your dog is eating, let’s take a look at a few ingredients that you may be on the fence about feeding your dog and whether or not they’re safe for them to eat.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a treat that many of our pets love. We fill toys with it, sprinkle their medication in it to make it more palatable, and even give it to them straight off the spoon. But is this tasty treat actually all that healthy for your dog?

We are happy to relate that, for the most part, peanut butter is totally fine to give your dogs. There is, however, one stipulation to that.

The peanut butter you feed your dog has to be free from an artificial sweetener called xylitol. This ingredient is unfortunately very toxic to dogs and can cause nausea, lethargy, and vomiting. It’s safer to go for a natural peanut butter that doesn’t have any sweeteners or preservatives in it.

Whipped Cream

If you have ever brought your adorable pup through the drive-thru of a popular coffee chain, you may have gotten them a sweet surprise for themselves. Whipped cream in a tiny cup is an adorable snack and our dogs look undeniably cute when eating it, but is it safe for them?

The answer is, well, sort of. Though it’s of course not exactly healthy for dogs (or people, if we’re being honest) a small amount of whipped cream only on occasion will probably cause no harm to your dog.

It’s important to remember, though, that some dogs are lactose intolerant, just like people. If your doggy gets some digestion issues after having dairy, you may want to check in with your vet to see if he or she is suffering from a bit of lactose intolerance. If this is the case, you may want to skip the whipped cream and cheese (which we’ll get to later).


Rosemary is a delicious, fragrant herb that makes everything from mashed potatoes to roast chicken even tastier for humans, but is it okay for our dogs to have some, too?

If you’re wondering is rosemary safe for dogs, we’re happy to tell you that it is completely safe for them. Not only is it safe, but rosemary also can offer your fluffy pal some health benefits, too. Rosemary has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. These will keep your dog’s system functioning well and help fight off things that may make them sick.

It also has bug repellant properties, helping your dog stay protected from things like fleas, ticks, and those dreaded mosquitos in the summertime.


If your dog has ever had cheese, they probably have begged you for it quite a few times since then. Many dogs love cheese just as much (if not more) as we humans do. But is giving them that sprinkle of mixed cheese or slice of American cheese okay for their health?

The answer to this one is very similar to the answer for whipped cream. In moderation, cheese is totally okay to give to most dogs. Of course, since it is high in fats and oils, it’s important that you don’t give your dog cheese on a daily basis. And for dogs who are lactose intolerant, it’s best to avoid it altogether.

Make Sure That Your Dog Has Only the Healthiest Ingredients in Their Food

We all love our pets, and we want to make sure that we can keep them around for as long as possible. Keep your dog feeling great and enjoying an occasional treat by making sure that you only feed them healthy ingredients and indulgent treats in moderation.

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